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"NewIssueDialogClose": "Do you want to close this dialog?", "NewIssueDialogCloseNote": "All changes will be lost", "DueDatePopupTitle": "Due on {value}", "DueDatePopupOverdueTitle": "Was due on {value}", "DueDatePopupDescription": "{value, plural, =0 {Today} =1 {Tomorrow} other {# days remaining}}", "DueDatePopupOverdueDescription": "{value, plural, =1 {1 day overdue} other {# days overdue}}", "Grouping": "Grouping", "Ordering": "Ordering", "CompletedIssues": "Completed issues", "ShowEmptyGroups": "Show empty groups", "NoGrouping": "No grouping", "NoAssignee": "No assignee", "LastUpdated": "Last updated", "DueDate": "Due date", "Manual": "Manual", "All": "All", "PastWeek": "Past week", "PastMonth": "Past month", "CopyIssueUrl": "Copy Issue URL to clipboard", "CopyIssueId": "Copy Issue ID to clipboard", "CopyIssueBranch": "Copy Git branch name to clipboard", "CopyIssueTitle": "Copy Issue title to clipboard", "AssetLabel": "Asset", "AddToProject": "Add to project\u2026", "MoveToProject": 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"Reference another issue...", "RelatedIssue": "Related issue {id} - {title}", "BlockedIssue": "Blocked issue {id} - {title}", "BlockingIssue": "Blocking issue {id} - {title}", "BlockedBySearchPlaceholder": "Search for issue to mark blocked by...", "IsBlockingSearchPlaceholder": "Search for issue to mark as blocking...", "RelatedIssueSearchPlaceholder": "Search for issue to reference...", "Blocks": "Blocks", "Related": "Related", "EditIssue": "Edit {title}", "EditWorkflowStatuses": "Edit issue statuses", "ManageWorkflowStatuses": "Manage issue statuses within team", "AddWorkflowStatus": "Add issue status", "EditWorkflowStatus": "Edit issue status", "DeleteWorkflowStatus": "Delete issue status", "DeleteWorkflowStatusConfirm": "Do you want to delete the \"{status}\" status?", "DeleteWorkflowStatusError": "Can't delete the issue status", "DeleteWorkflowStatusErrorDescription": "The \"{status}\" status has {count, plural, =1 {1 issue} other {# issues}} assigned. Please archive or move {count, plural, =1 {it} other {them}} before deleting this status.", "Save": "Save", "IncludeItemsThatMatch": "Include items that match", "AnyFilter": "any filter", "AllFilters": "all filters", "NoDescription": "No description", "SearchIssue": "Search for task...", "DurMinutes": "{minutes, plural, =0 {less than a minute} =1 {a minute} other {# minutes}}", "DurHours": "{hours, plural, =0 {less than an hour} =1 {an hour} other {# hours}}", "DurDays": "{days, plural, =0 {today} =1 {1 day} other {# days }}", "DurMonths": "{months, plural, =0 {this month} =1 {1 month} other {# months}}", "DurYears": "{years, plural, =0 {this year} =1 {a year} other {# years}}", "StatusHistory": "State History", "NewSubIssue": "Add sub-issue...", "AddLabel": "Add label", "Sprint": "Sprint", "NoSprint": "No Sprint", "MoveToSprint": "Select Sprint", "Sprints": "Sprints", "AllSprints": "All", "PlannedSprints": "Planned", "ActiveSprints": "Active", "ClosedSprints": "Done", "AddToSprint": "Add to Sprint", "NewSprint": "New Sprint", "CreateSprint": "Create", "MoveAndDeleteSprint": "Move Issues to {newSprint} and Delete {deleteSprint}", "MoveAndDeleteSprintConfirm": "Do you want to delete sprint and move issues to another sprint?", "Estimation": "Estimation", "ReportedTime": "Reported Time", "TimeSpendReports": "Time spend reports", "TimeSpendReport": "Time", "TimeSpendReportAdd": "Add time report", "TimeSpendReportDate": "Date", "TimeSpendReportValue": "Reported time", "TimeSpendReportValueTooltip": "Reported time in man days", "TimeSpendReportDescription": "Description", "TimeSpendValue": "{value}d", "SprintPassed": "{from}d/{to}d", "ChildEstimation": "Subissues Estimation", "ChildReportedTime": "Subissues Time", "Capacity": "Capacity", "CapacityValue": "of {value}d", "NewRelatedIssue": "New related issue", "AddedReference": "Added reference", "AddedAsBlocked": "Marked as blocked", "AddedAsBlocking": "Marked as blocking", "IssueTemplate": "Process", "IssueTemplates": "Process", "NewProcess": "New Process", "SaveProcess": "Save Process", "NoIssueTemplate": "No Process", "TemplateReplace": "You you replace applied process?", "TemplateReplaceConfirm": "All changes to template values will be lost." }, "status": {} }