import { Doc, DocumentUpdate, Ref, RelatedDocument, TxOperations } from '@hcengineering/core' import { copyTextToClipboard, getClient } from '@hcengineering/presentation' import { Issue, Project, Sprint, Team, trackerId } from '@hcengineering/tracker' import { getCurrentLocation, getPanelURI, Location } from '@hcengineering/ui' import { workbenchId } from '@hcengineering/workbench' import { writable } from 'svelte/store' import tracker from './plugin' export const activeProject = writable | undefined>(undefined) export const activeSprint = writable | undefined>(undefined) export function getIssueId (team: Team, issue: Issue): string { return `${team.identifier}-${issue.number}` } export function isIssueId (shortLink: string): boolean { return /^\w+-\d+$/.test(shortLink) } export async function getIssueTitle (client: TxOperations, ref: Ref): Promise { const object = await client.findOne( tracker.class.Issue, { _id: ref as Ref }, { lookup: { space: tracker.class.Team } } ) if (object?.$lookup?.space === undefined) throw new Error(`Issue Team not found, _id: ${ref}`) return getIssueId(object.$, object) } export function generateIssuePanelUri (issue: Issue): string { return getPanelURI(tracker.component.EditIssue, issue._id, issue._class, 'content') } export async function copyToClipboard (object: Issue, ev: Event, { type }: { type: string }): Promise { const client = getClient() let text: string switch (type) { case 'id': text = await getIssueTitle(client, object._id) break case 'title': text = object.title break case 'link': text = generateIssueShortLink(await getIssueTitle(client, object._id)) break default: return } await copyTextToClipboard(text) } export function generateIssueShortLink (issueId: string): string { const location = getCurrentLocation() return `${window.location.protocol}//${}/${workbenchId}/${location.path[1]}/${trackerId}/${issueId}` } export async function generateIssueLocation (loc: Location, issueId: string): Promise { const tokens = issueId.split('-') if (tokens.length < 2) { return undefined } const teamId = tokens[0] const issueNumber = Number(tokens[1]) const client = getClient() const team = await client.findOne(tracker.class.Team, { identifier: teamId }) if (team === undefined) { console.error( `Could not find team ${teamId}. Make sure you are in correct workspace and the team was not deleted or renamed.` ) return undefined } const issue = await client.findOne(tracker.class.Issue, { number: issueNumber, space: team._id }) if (issue === undefined) { console.error(`Could not find issue ${issueId}.`) return undefined } const appComponent = loc.path[0] ?? '' const workspace = loc.path[1] ?? '' return { path: [appComponent, workspace, trackerId, team._id, 'issues'], fragment: generateIssuePanelUri(issue) } } export async function resolveLocation (loc: Location): Promise { const app = loc.path.length > 2 ? loc.path[2] : undefined if (app !== trackerId) { return undefined } const shortLink = loc.path.length > 3 ? loc.path[3] : undefined if (shortLink === undefined || shortLink === null) { return undefined } // issue shortlink if (isIssueId(shortLink)) { return await generateIssueLocation(loc, shortLink) } return undefined } export async function updateIssueRelation ( client: TxOperations, value: Issue, id: RelatedDocument, prop: 'blockedBy' | 'relations', operation: '$push' | '$pull' ): Promise { let update: DocumentUpdate = {} switch (operation) { case '$push': update = { $push: { [prop]: { _id: id._id, _class: id._class } } } break case '$pull': update = { $pull: { [prop]: { _id: id._id } } } break } await client.update(value, update) }