import { joinWithProvider, LoginInfo, loginWithProvider } from '@hcengineering/account' import { BrandingMap, concatLink, MeasureContext } from '@hcengineering/core' import Router from 'koa-router' import { Db } from 'mongodb' import { Strategy as GoogleStrategy } from 'passport-google-oauth20' import qs from 'querystringify' import { Passport } from '.' import { getBranding, getHost, safeParseAuthState } from './utils' export function registerGoogle ( measureCtx: MeasureContext, passport: Passport, router: Router, accountsUrl: string, db: Db, frontUrl: string, brandings: BrandingMap ): string | undefined { const GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID = process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID const GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET = process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET const redirectURL = '/auth/google/callback' if (GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID === undefined || GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET === undefined) return passport.use( new GoogleStrategy( { clientID: GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID, clientSecret: GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET, callbackURL: concatLink(accountsUrl, redirectURL), passReqToCallback: true }, function (req, accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done) { done(null, profile) } ) ) router.get('/auth/google', async (ctx, next) => {'try auth via', { provider: 'google' }) const host = getHost(ctx.request.headers) const branding = host !== undefined ? brandings[host]?.key ?? undefined : undefined const state = encodeURIComponent( JSON.stringify({ inviteId: ctx.query?.inviteId, branding }) ) passport.authenticate('google', { scope: ['profile', 'email'], session: true, state })(ctx, next) }) router.get( redirectURL, async (ctx, next) => { const state = safeParseAuthState(ctx.query?.state)'Auth state', { state }) const branding = getBranding(brandings, state?.branding)'With branding', { branding }) const failureRedirect = concatLink(branding?.front ?? frontUrl, '/login')'With failure redirect', { failureRedirect }) await passport.authenticate('google', { failureRedirect, session: true })(ctx, next) }, async (ctx, next) => {'Provider auth success', { type: 'google', user: ctx.state?.user }) const email = ctx.state.user.emails?.[0]?.value const first = const last ='Provider auth handler', { email, type: 'google' }) if (email !== undefined) { try { let loginInfo: LoginInfo const state = safeParseAuthState(ctx.query?.state) const branding = getBranding(brandings, state?.branding) if (state.inviteId != null && state.inviteId !== '') { loginInfo = await joinWithProvider(measureCtx, db, null, email, first, last, state.inviteId as any) } else { loginInfo = await loginWithProvider(measureCtx, db, null, email, first, last) } const origin = concatLink(branding?.front ?? frontUrl, '/login/auth') const query = encodeURIComponent(qs.stringify({ token: loginInfo.token })) // Successful authentication, redirect to your application'Success auth, redirect', { email, type: 'google', target: origin }) ctx.redirect(`${origin}?${query}`) } catch (err: any) { measureCtx.error('failed to auth', { err, type: 'google', user: ctx.state?.user }) } } await next() } ) return 'google' }