import { Timestamp, generateId } from '@hcengineering/core' import calendar, { Event, ReccuringEvent, ReccuringInstance, RecurringRule } from '.' function getInstance (event: ReccuringEvent, date: Timestamp): ReccuringInstance { const diff = event.dueDate - return { ...event, recurringEventId: event.eventId, date, dueDate: date + diff, originalStartTime: date, _class: calendar.class.ReccuringInstance, eventId: generateEventId(), _id: generateId(), virtual: true } } function generateRecurringValues ( rule: RecurringRule, startDate: Timestamp, from: Timestamp, to: Timestamp ): Timestamp[] { const values: Timestamp[] = [] const currentDate = new Date(startDate) switch (rule.freq) { case 'DAILY': generateDailyValues(rule, currentDate, values, from, to) break case 'WEEKLY': generateWeeklyValues(rule, currentDate, values, from, to) break case 'MONTHLY': generateMonthlyValues(rule, currentDate, values, from, to) break case 'YEARLY': generateYearlyValues(rule, currentDate, values, from, to) break default: throw new Error('Invalid recurring rule frequency') } return values } function generateDailyValues ( rule: RecurringRule, currentDate: Date, values: Timestamp[], from: Timestamp, to: Timestamp ): void { const { count, endDate, interval } = rule const { bySetPos } = rule let i = 0 while (true) { if (bySetPos == null || bySetPos.includes(getSetPos(currentDate))) { const res = currentDate.getTime() if (currentDate.getTime() > to) break if (endDate != null && currentDate.getTime() > endDate) break if (res >= from && res <= to) { values.push(res) } i++ } currentDate.setDate(currentDate.getDate() + (interval ?? 1)) if (count !== undefined && i === count) break } } function generateWeeklyValues ( rule: RecurringRule, currentDate: Date, values: Timestamp[], from: Timestamp, to: Timestamp ): void { const { count, endDate, interval } = rule let { byDay, bySetPos } = rule let i = 0 if (byDay === undefined) { byDay = [getWeekday(currentDate)] } while (true) { const next = new Date(currentDate).setDate(currentDate.getDate() + (interval ?? 1) * 7) const end = new Date(new Date(currentDate).setDate(currentDate.getDate() + 7)) let date = currentDate while (date < end) { if (endDate != null && date.getTime() > endDate) return if (date.getTime() > to) return if ((byDay == null || matchesByDay(date, byDay)) && (bySetPos == null || bySetPos.includes(getSetPos(date)))) { const res = date.getTime() if (res >= from && res <= to) { values.push(res) } i++ } date = new Date(date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1)) if (count !== undefined && i === count) return } currentDate = new Date(next) } } function matchesByDay (date: Date, byDay: string[]): boolean { const weekday = getWeekday(date) const dayOfMonth = Math.floor((date.getDate() - 1) / 7) + 1 for (const byDayItem of byDay) { if (byDayItem === weekday) { return true } const pos = parseInt(byDayItem) if (isNaN(pos)) continue if (pos > 0 && dayOfMonth === pos) { return true } if (pos < 0 && dayOfMonth === getNegativePosition(date, weekday, pos)) { return true } } return false } function getNegativePosition (date: Date, weekday: string, pos: number): number | undefined { const lastDayOfMonth = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, 0).getDate() const occurrences = [] for (let day = lastDayOfMonth; day >= 1; day--) { const tempDate = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), day) if (getWeekday(tempDate) === weekday) { occurrences.push(day) } if (occurrences.length === Math.abs(pos)) { return occurrences.pop() } } throw new Error(`Unable to calculate negative position ${pos}`) } function generateMonthlyValues ( rule: RecurringRule, currentDate: Date, values: Timestamp[], from: Timestamp, to: Timestamp ): void { const { count, endDate, interval } = rule let { byDay, byMonthDay, bySetPos } = rule let i = 0 if (byDay == null && byMonthDay == null) { byMonthDay = [currentDate.getDate()] } while (true) { const next = new Date(currentDate).setMonth(currentDate.getMonth() + (interval ?? 1)) const end = new Date(new Date(currentDate).setMonth(currentDate.getMonth() + 1)) let date = currentDate while (date < end) { if (endDate != null && date.getTime() > endDate) return if (date.getTime() >= to) return if ( (byDay == null || matchesByDay(date, byDay)) && (byMonthDay == null || byMonthDay.includes(new Date(currentDate).getDate())) && (bySetPos == null || bySetPos.includes(getSetPos(currentDate))) ) { const res = currentDate.getTime() if (res >= from && res <= to) { values.push(res) } i++ } date = new Date(date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1)) if (count !== undefined && i === count) return } currentDate = new Date(next) } } function generateYearlyValues ( rule: RecurringRule, currentDate: Date, values: Timestamp[], from: Timestamp, to: Timestamp ): void { const { count, endDate, interval } = rule const { byDay, byMonthDay, byYearDay, byWeekNo, byMonth, bySetPos } = rule let i = 0 while (true) { const next = new Date(currentDate).setFullYear(currentDate.getFullYear() + (interval ?? 1)) const end = new Date(new Date(currentDate).setFullYear(currentDate.getFullYear() + 1)) let date = currentDate while (date < end) { if (endDate != null && date.getTime() > endDate) return if (date.getTime() > to) return if ( byDay == null && byMonthDay == null && byYearDay == null && byWeekNo == null && byMonth == null && bySetPos == null ) { date = new Date(next) const res = currentDate.getTime() if (res >= from && res <= to) { values.push(res) } i++ } else { if ( (byDay == null || matchesByDay(date, byDay)) && (byMonthDay == null || byMonthDay.includes(currentDate.getDate())) && (byYearDay == null || byYearDay.includes(getYearDay(currentDate))) && (byWeekNo == null || byWeekNo.includes(getWeekNumber(currentDate))) && (byMonth == null || byMonth.includes(currentDate.getMonth())) && (bySetPos == null || bySetPos.includes(getSetPos(currentDate))) ) { const res = currentDate.getTime() if (res >= from && res <= to) { values.push(res) } i++ } date = new Date(date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1)) } if (count !== undefined && i === count) return } currentDate = new Date(next) } } function getSetPos (date: Date): number { const month = date.getMonth() const year = date.getFullYear() const firstOfMonth = new Date(year, month, 1) const daysOffset = firstOfMonth.getDay() const day = date.getDate() return Math.ceil((day + daysOffset) / 7) } /** * @public */ export function getWeekday (date: Date): string { const weekdays = ['SU', 'MO', 'TU', 'WE', 'TH', 'FR', 'SA'] const weekday = weekdays[date.getDay()] return weekday } function getWeekNumber (date: Date): number { const firstDayOfYear = new Date(date.getFullYear(), 0, 1) const daysOffset = firstDayOfYear.getDay() const diff = (date.getTime() - firstDayOfYear.getTime()) / 86400000 return Math.floor((diff + daysOffset + 1) / 7) } function getYearDay (date: Date): number { const startOfYear = new Date(date.getFullYear(), 0, 0) const diff = date.getTime() - startOfYear.getTime() return Math.floor(diff / 86400000) } function getReccuringEventInstances ( event: ReccuringEvent, instances: ReccuringInstance[], from: Timestamp, to: Timestamp ): ReccuringInstance[] { let res: ReccuringInstance[] = [] for (const rule of event.rules ?? []) { const values = generateRecurringValues(rule,, from, to) for (const val of values) { const instance = getInstance(event, val) res.push(instance) } } for (const date of event.rdate ?? []) { if (date < from || date > to) continue const instance = getInstance(event, date) const exists = res.find((p) => === if (exists === undefined) res.push(instance) } const excludes = new Set(event.exdate ?? []) res = res.filter((p) => !excludes.has( res = res.filter((i) => { const override = instances.find((p) => p.originalStartTime === i.originalStartTime) return override === undefined }) return res } /** * @public */ export function getAllEvents (events: Event[], from: Timestamp, to: Timestamp): Event[] { const base: Event[] = [] const recur: ReccuringEvent[] = [] const instances: ReccuringInstance[] = [] const recurData: ReccuringInstance[] = [] const instancesMap = new Map() for (const event of events) { if (event._class === calendar.class.ReccuringEvent) { recur.push(event as ReccuringEvent) } else if (event._class === calendar.class.ReccuringInstance) { const instance = event as ReccuringInstance instances.push(instance) const arr = instancesMap.get(instance.recurringEventId) ?? [] arr.push(instance) instancesMap.set(instance.recurringEventId, arr) } else { if (from >= event.dueDate) continue if ( >= to) continue base.push(event) } } for (const rec of recur) { const recEvents = getReccuringEventInstances(rec, instancesMap.get(rec.eventId) ?? [], from, to) recurData.push(...recEvents) } const res = [ ...base, ...recurData, ...instances.filter((p) => { return from <= p.dueDate && <= to && p.isCancelled !== true }) ].map((it) => ({, date: Math.max(from,, dueDate: Math.min(to, it.dueDate) })) res.sort((a, b) => - return res } /** * @public */ export function generateEventId (): string { const id = generateId() return encodeToBase32Hex(id) } function encodeToBase32Hex (input: string): string { const encoder = new TextEncoder() const bytes = encoder.encode(input) const base32HexDigits = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv' let result = '' for (let i = 0; i < bytes.length; i += 5) { const octets = [ (bytes[i] ?? 0) >> 3, ((bytes[i] & 0x07) << 2) | (bytes[i + 1] >> 6), (bytes[i + 1] >> 1) & 0x1f, ((bytes[i + 1] & 0x01) << 4) | (bytes[i + 2] >> 4), ((bytes[i + 2] & 0x0f) << 1) | (bytes[i + 3] >> 7), (bytes[i + 3] >> 2) & 0x1f, ((bytes[i + 3] & 0x03) << 3) | (bytes[i + 4] >> 5), bytes[i + 4] & 0x1f ] for (let j = 0; j < 8; j++) { result += base32HexDigits.charAt(octets[j]) } } return result }