// // Copyright © 2020, 2021 Anticrm Platform Contributors. // Copyright © 2021 Hardcore Engineering Inc. // // Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may // obtain a copy of the License at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // import core, { AttachedDoc, Class, Client, Collection, Doc, Hierarchy, Lookup, Obj, Ref, RefTo, TxOperations } from '@anticrm/core' import type { IntlString } from '@anticrm/platform' import { getResource } from '@anticrm/platform' import { getAttributePresenterClass, KeyedAttribute } from '@anticrm/presentation' import { AnyComponent, ErrorPresenter, getPlatformColorForText } from '@anticrm/ui' import type { BuildModelOptions } from '@anticrm/view' import view, { AttributeModel, BuildModelKey } from '@anticrm/view' import plugin from './plugin' /** * Define some properties to be used to show component until data is properly loaded. */ export interface LoadingProps { length: number } /** * @public */ export async function getObjectPresenter ( client: Client, _class: Ref>, preserveKey: BuildModelKey, isCollectionAttr: boolean = false ): Promise { const hierarchy = client.getHierarchy() const mixin = isCollectionAttr ? view.mixin.CollectionPresenter : view.mixin.AttributePresenter const clazz = hierarchy.getClass(_class) let mixinClazz = hierarchy.getClass(_class) let presenterMixin = hierarchy.as(clazz, mixin) while (presenterMixin.presenter === undefined && mixinClazz.extends !== undefined) { presenterMixin = hierarchy.as(mixinClazz, mixin) mixinClazz = hierarchy.getClass(mixinClazz.extends) } if (presenterMixin.presenter === undefined) { throw new Error( `object presenter not found for class=${_class}, mixin=${mixin}, preserve key ${JSON.stringify(preserveKey)}` ) } const presenter = await getResource(presenterMixin.presenter) const key = preserveKey.sortingKey ?? preserveKey.key const sortingKey = clazz.sortingKey !== undefined ? (key.length > 0 ? key + '.' + clazz.sortingKey : clazz.sortingKey) : key return { key: preserveKey.key, _class, label: preserveKey.label ?? clazz.label, presenter, props: preserveKey.props, sortingKey, collectionAttr: isCollectionAttr } } /** * @public */ export async function getObjectPreview (client: Client, _class: Ref>): Promise { const clazz = client.getHierarchy().getClass(_class) const presenterMixin = client.getHierarchy().as(clazz, view.mixin.PreviewPresenter) if (presenterMixin.presenter === undefined) { if (clazz.extends !== undefined) { return await getObjectPreview(client, clazz.extends) } } return presenterMixin?.presenter } async function getAttributePresenter ( client: Client, _class: Ref>, key: string, preserveKey: BuildModelKey ): Promise { const hierarchy = client.getHierarchy() const attribute = hierarchy.getAttribute(_class, key) const presenterClass = getAttributePresenterClass(hierarchy, attribute) const isCollectionAttr = presenterClass.category === 'collection' const mixin = isCollectionAttr ? view.mixin.CollectionPresenter : view.mixin.AttributePresenter const clazz = hierarchy.getClass(presenterClass.attrClass) let presenterMixin = hierarchy.as(clazz, mixin) let parent = clazz.extends while (presenterMixin.presenter === undefined && parent !== undefined) { const pclazz = hierarchy.getClass(parent) presenterClass.attrClass = parent presenterMixin = hierarchy.as(pclazz, mixin) parent = pclazz.extends } if (presenterMixin.presenter === undefined) { throw new Error('attribute presenter not found for ' + JSON.stringify(preserveKey)) } const resultKey = preserveKey.sortingKey ?? preserveKey.key const sortingKey = attribute.type._class === core.class.ArrOf ? resultKey + '.length' : resultKey const presenter = await getResource(presenterMixin.presenter) return { key: preserveKey.key, sortingKey, _class: presenterClass.attrClass, label: preserveKey.label ?? attribute.shortLabel ?? attribute.label, presenter, props: {}, icon: presenterMixin.icon, attribute, collectionAttr: isCollectionAttr } } export async function getPresenter ( client: Client, _class: Ref>, key: BuildModelKey, preserveKey: BuildModelKey, lookup?: Lookup, isCollectionAttr: boolean = false ): Promise { if (key.presenter !== undefined) { const { presenter, label, sortingKey } = key return { key: key.key ?? '', sortingKey: sortingKey ?? '', _class, label: label as IntlString, presenter: await getResource(presenter), props: key.props, collectionAttr: isCollectionAttr } } if (key.key.length === 0) { return await getObjectPresenter(client, _class, preserveKey, isCollectionAttr) } else { if (key.key.startsWith('$lookup')) { if (lookup === undefined) { throw new Error(`lookup class does not provided for ${key.key}`) } return await getLookupPresenter(client, _class, key, preserveKey, lookup) } return await getAttributePresenter(client, _class, key.key, preserveKey) } } function getKeyLookup ( hierarchy: Hierarchy, _class: Ref>, key: string, lookup: Lookup, lastIndex: number = 1 ): Lookup { if (!key.startsWith('$lookup')) return lookup const parts = key.split('.') const attrib = parts[1] const attribute = hierarchy.getAttribute(_class, attrib) if (hierarchy.isDerived(attribute.type._class, core.class.RefTo)) { const lookupClass = (attribute.type as RefTo).to const index = key.indexOf('$lookup', lastIndex) if (index === -1) { if ((lookup as any)[attrib] === undefined) { ;(lookup as any)[attrib] = lookupClass } } else { let nested = Array.isArray((lookup as any)[attrib]) ? (lookup as any)[attrib][1] : {} nested = getKeyLookup(hierarchy, lookupClass, key.slice(index), nested) ;(lookup as any)[attrib] = [lookupClass, nested] } } else if (hierarchy.isDerived(attribute.type._class, core.class.Collection)) { if ((lookup as any)._id === undefined) { ;(lookup as any)._id = {} } ;(lookup as any)._id[attrib] = (attribute.type as Collection).of } return lookup } export function buildConfigLookup ( hierarchy: Hierarchy, _class: Ref>, config: Array ): Lookup { let res: Lookup = {} for (const key of config) { if (typeof key === 'string') { res = getKeyLookup(hierarchy, _class, key, res) } else { res = getKeyLookup(hierarchy, _class, key.key, res) } } return res } export async function buildModel (options: BuildModelOptions): Promise { // eslint-disable-next-line array-callback-return const model = options.keys .map((key) => (typeof key === 'string' ? { key: key } : key)) .map(async (key) => { try { return await getPresenter(options.client, options._class, key, key, options.lookup) } catch (err: any) { if (options.ignoreMissing ?? false) { return undefined } const stringKey = key.label ?? key.key console.error('Failed to find presenter for', key, err) const errorPresenter: AttributeModel = { key: '', sortingKey: '', presenter: ErrorPresenter, label: stringKey as IntlString, _class: core.class.TypeString, props: { error: err }, collectionAttr: false } return errorPresenter } }) return (await (await Promise.all(model)).filter((a) => a !== undefined)) as AttributeModel[] } export async function deleteObject (client: TxOperations, object: Doc): Promise { if (client.getHierarchy().isDerived(object._class, core.class.AttachedDoc)) { const adoc = object as AttachedDoc await client .removeCollection(object._class, object.space, adoc._id, adoc.attachedTo, adoc.attachedToClass, adoc.collection) .catch((err) => console.error(err)) } else { await client.removeDoc(object._class, object.space, object._id).catch((err) => console.error(err)) } } export function getMixinStyle (id: Ref>, selected: boolean): string { const color = getPlatformColorForText(id as string) return ` color: ${selected ? '#fff' : 'var(--theme-caption-color)'}; background: ${color + (selected ? 'ff' : '33')}; border: 1px solid ${color + (selected ? '0f' : '66')}; ` } async function getLookupPresenter ( client: Client, _class: Ref>, key: BuildModelKey, preserveKey: BuildModelKey, lookup: Lookup ): Promise { const lookupClass = getLookupClass(key.key, lookup, _class) const lookupProperty = getLookupProperty(key.key) const lookupKey = { ...key, key: lookupProperty[0] } const model = await getPresenter(client, lookupClass[0], lookupKey, preserveKey, undefined, lookupClass[2]) model.label = getLookupLabel(client, lookupClass[1], lookupClass[0], lookupKey, lookupProperty[1]) return model } export function getLookupLabel ( client: Client, _class: Ref>, lookupClass: Ref>, key: BuildModelKey, attrib: string ): IntlString { if (key.label !== undefined) return key.label if (key.key === '') { try { const attribute = client.getHierarchy().getAttribute(_class, attrib) return attribute.label } catch {} const clazz = client.getHierarchy().getClass(lookupClass) return clazz.label } else { const attribute = client.getHierarchy().getAttribute(lookupClass, key.key) return attribute.label } } export function getLookupClass ( key: string, lookup: Lookup, parent: Ref> ): [Ref>, Ref>, boolean] { const _class = getLookup(key, lookup, parent) if (_class === undefined) { throw new Error('lookup class does not provided for ' + key) } return _class } export function getLookupProperty (key: string): [string, string] { const parts = key.split('$lookup') const lastPart = parts[parts.length - 1] const split = lastPart.split('.').filter((p) => p.length > 0) const prev = split.shift() ?? '' const result = split.join('.') return [result, prev] } function getLookup ( key: string, lookup: Lookup, parent: Ref> ): [Ref>, Ref>, boolean] | undefined { const parts = key.split('$lookup.').filter((p) => p.length > 0) const currentKey = parts[0].split('.').filter((p) => p.length > 0)[0] const current = (lookup as any)[currentKey] const nestedKey = parts.slice(1).join('$lookup.') if (nestedKey.length > 0) { if (!Array.isArray(current)) { return } return getLookup(nestedKey, current[1], current[0]) } if (Array.isArray(current)) { return [current[0], parent, false] } if (current === undefined && lookup._id !== undefined) { const reverse = (lookup._id as any)[currentKey] return reverse !== undefined ? Array.isArray(reverse) ? [reverse[0], parent, true] : [reverse, parent, true] : undefined } return current !== undefined ? [current, parent, false] : undefined } export function getBooleanLabel (value: boolean | undefined): IntlString { if (value === true) return plugin.string.LabelYes if (value === false) return plugin.string.LabelNo return plugin.string.LabelNA } export function getCollectionCounter (hierarchy: Hierarchy, object: Doc, key: KeyedAttribute): number { if (hierarchy.isMixin(key.attr.attributeOf)) { return (hierarchy.as(object, key.attr.attributeOf) as any)[key.key] } return (object as any)[key.key] ?? 0 } function filterKeys (hierarchy: Hierarchy, keys: KeyedAttribute[], ignoreKeys: string[]): KeyedAttribute[] { const docKeys: Set = new Set(hierarchy.getAllAttributes(core.class.AttachedDoc).keys()) keys = keys.filter((k) => !docKeys.has(k.key)) keys = keys.filter((k) => !ignoreKeys.includes(k.key)) return keys } export function getFiltredKeys ( hierarchy: Hierarchy, objectClass: Ref>, ignoreKeys: string[], to?: Ref> ): KeyedAttribute[] { const keys = [...hierarchy.getAllAttributes(objectClass, to).entries()] .filter(([, value]) => value.hidden !== true) .map(([key, attr]) => ({ key, attr })) return filterKeys(hierarchy, keys, ignoreKeys) } export function collectionsFilter (hierarchy: Hierarchy, keys: KeyedAttribute[], get: boolean): KeyedAttribute[] { const result: KeyedAttribute[] = [] for (const key of keys) { if (isCollectionAttr(hierarchy, key) === get) result.push(key) } return result } export function isCollectionAttr (hierarchy: Hierarchy, key: KeyedAttribute): boolean { return hierarchy.isDerived(key.attr.type._class, core.class.Collection) }