{ "string": { "MessageID": "MessageID", "IntegrationLabel": "Gmail", "IntegrationDescription": "Integrate with Gmail", "SharedMessages": "shared emails", "To": "To:", "From": "From:", "Copy": "Copy", "MessagesSelected": "messages selected", "PublishSelected": "Publish selected", "CreateMessage": "Create message", "ShareMessages": "Share messages", "Connect": "Connect", "RedirectGoogle": "You will be redirected to the Google authentication page. Please make sure to select all permissions.", "ConnectGmail": "Connect Gmail account", "Reply": "Reply", "Subject": "Subject", "Send": "Send", "Resend": "Resend", "NewMessage": "New message", "NewMessageTo": "New message to", "Cancel": "Cancel", "SubjectPlaceholder": "Message subject", "CopyPlaceholder": "Copy to", "ReplyTo": "Reply to", "Message": "Message", "Messages": "Messages", "Incoming": "Incoming", "Email": "Email", "Status": "Status", "EmailPlaceholder": "john.appleseed@apple.com", "WriteEmail": "Write Email", "Shared": "Shared", "AvailableTo": "Available to", "HaveWrittenEmail": "have written an email", "NewIncomingMessage": "Sent you a new email", "ConfigLabel": "Email", "ConfigDescription": "Extension for Gmail email integration", "GooglePrivacy": "Huly’s use and transfer of information received from Google APIs to any other app will adhere to <a href=\"https://developers.google.com/terms/api-services-user-data-policy#additional_requirements_for_specific_api_scopes\" target=\"_blank\">Google API Services User Data Policy</a>, including the Limited Use requirements.", "EmailNotificationsDescription": "Receive personal notifications on email." } }