mirror of
synced 2025-03-31 21:08:17 +00:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into staging
Signed-off-by: Andrey Sobolev <haiodo@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1213,11 +1213,12 @@ export function devTool (
throw new Error('Datalake storage config is required')
toolCtx.info('using datalake', { datalake: datalakeConfig })
const datalake = createDatalakeClient(datalakeConfig as DatalakeConfig)
let workspaces: Workspace[] = []
const { dbUrl } = prepareTools()
await withDatabase(dbUrl, async (db) => {
const accountUrl = getAccountDBUrl()
await withDatabase(accountUrl, async (db) => {
workspaces = await listWorkspacesPure(db)
workspaces = workspaces
.filter((p) => p.mode !== 'archived')
@ -282,10 +282,19 @@ export async function copyToDatalake (
let time = Date.now()
let processedCnt = 0
let skippedCnt = 0
let failedCnt = 0
function printStats (): void {
const duration = Date.now() - time
console.log('...processed', processedCnt, 'skipped', skippedCnt, Math.round(duration / 1000) + 's')
Math.round(duration / 1000) + 's'
time = Date.now()
@ -319,6 +328,7 @@ export async function copyToDatalake (
} catch (err) {
console.error('failed to process blob', objectName, err)
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ table.proseTable {
box-sizing: border-box;
position: relative;
> * {
>* {
margin-bottom: 0;
@ -72,15 +72,19 @@ table.proseTable {
left: var(--table-selection-border-indent);
right: var(--table-selection-border-indent);
&__border-top::before {
border-top-width: var(--table-selection-border-width);
&__border-bottom::before {
border-bottom-width: var(--table-selection-border-width);
&__border-left::before {
border-left-width: var(--table-selection-border-width);
&__border-right::before {
border-right-width: var(--table-selection-border-width);
@ -276,7 +280,9 @@ table.proseTable {
&:hover + .table-insert-marker { opacity: 1; }
&:hover+.table-insert-marker {
opacity: 1;
.table-insert-marker {
@ -381,19 +387,94 @@ pre.proseCodeBlock {
// Fixes for MessageViewer
pre.proseCodeBlock > pre.proseCode {
pre.proseCodeBlock>pre.proseCode {
padding: 0;
background-color: transparent;
border: none;
border-radius: 0;
.proseHeading { line-height: 110%; }
.proseHeading {
line-height: 110%;
// Fixes for cursors
.ProseMirror {
h1, h2, h3, p, pre, code { cursor: text; }
p div { cursor: auto; }
code {
cursor: text;
p div {
cursor: auto;
.proseMermaidDiagram {
--border-color: transparent;
cursor: auto;
position: relative;
border: 1px solid var(--border-color);
border-radius: .25rem;
&:not(.selected) header {
visibility: hidden;
&:not(.folded) {
--border-color: var(--theme-button-border);
header {
visibility: visible;
&.selected {
--border-color: var(--theme-editbox-focus-border)
header {
user-select: none;
position: absolute;
right: 0.5rem;
top: 0.5rem;
display: flex;
gap: 0.5rem;
>code {
display: block;
padding: 0.75rem;
user-select: text;
font-family: var(--mono-font);
color: var(--theme-content-color);
min-height: 3rem;
background: var(--theme-button-default);
font-size: 0.875rem;
line-height: 1.5em;
.mermaidPreviewContainer {
padding: 0.5rem;
cursor: default;
&:not(.folded) .mermaidPreviewContainer {
border-top: 1px solid var(--border-color);
min-height: 6rem;
.theme-dark {
@ -402,4 +483,4 @@ pre.proseCodeBlock > pre.proseCode {
.theme-light {
@import './github-light.scss';
@ -39,7 +39,6 @@
"FullDescription": "Full description",
"NoFullDescription": "There are no detailed description",
"EnableDiffMode": "Diff mode",
"AddColumnBefore": "Add before",
"AddColumnAfter": "Add after",
"DeleteColumn": "Delete",
@ -48,7 +47,6 @@
"DeleteRow": "Delete",
"DeleteTable": "Delete",
"Duplicate": "Duplicate",
"CategoryRow": "Rows",
"CategoryColumn": "Columns",
"Table": "Table",
@ -60,6 +58,7 @@
"Image": "Image",
"SeparatorLine": "Separator line",
"TodoList": "Action item",
"DrawingBoard": "Drawing board"
"DrawingBoard": "Drawing board",
"MermaidDiargram": "Diagram"
@ -39,7 +39,6 @@
"FullDescription": "Детальное описание",
"NoFullDescription": "Нет детального описания",
"EnableDiffMode": "Режим сравнения",
"AddColumnBefore": "Добавить до",
"AddColumnAfter": "Добавить после",
"DeleteColumn": "Удалить",
@ -48,7 +47,6 @@
"DeleteRow": "Удалить",
"DeleteTable": "Удалить",
"Duplicate": "Дублировать",
"CategoryRow": "Строки",
"CategoryColumn": "Колонки",
"Table": "Таблица",
@ -60,6 +58,7 @@
"Image": "Изображение",
"SeparatorLine": "Разделительная линия",
"TodoList": "Действие",
"DrawingBoard": "Доска"
"DrawingBoard": "Доска",
"MermaidDiargram": "Диаграмма"
@ -83,6 +83,8 @@
"slugify": "^1.6.6",
"lib0": "^0.2.88",
"y-indexeddb": "^9.0.12",
"lowlight": "^3.1.0"
"lowlight": "^3.1.0",
"mermaid": "~11.4.1",
"@hcengineering/theme": "^0.6.5"
@ -83,6 +83,7 @@
import { LeftMenuExtension } from './extension/leftMenu'
import { type FileAttachFunction } from './extension/types'
import { completionConfig, inlineCommandsConfig } from './extensions'
import { MermaidExtension, mermaidOptions } from './extension/mermaid'
export let object: Doc
export let attribute: KeyedAttribute
@ -279,7 +280,8 @@
{ id: 'code-block', label: textEditor.string.CodeBlock, icon: view.icon.CodeBlock },
{ id: 'separator-line', label: textEditor.string.SeparatorLine, icon: view.icon.SeparatorLine },
{ id: 'todo-list', label: textEditor.string.TodoList, icon: view.icon.TodoList },
{ id: 'drawing-board', label: textEditor.string.DrawingBoard, icon: IconScribble as any }
{ id: 'drawing-board', label: textEditor.string.DrawingBoard, icon: IconScribble as any },
{ id: 'mermaid', label: textEditor.string.MermaidDiargram, icon: view.icon.Model }
handleSelect: handleLeftMenuClick
@ -375,6 +377,9 @@
case 'drawing-board':
editor.commands.insertContentAt(pos, { type: 'drawingBoard', attrs: { id: generateId() } })
case 'mermaid':
editor.commands.insertContentAt(pos, { type: 'mermaid' })
@ -466,6 +471,7 @@
MermaidExtension.configure({ ...mermaidOptions, ydoc, ydocContentField: field }),
DrawingBoardExtension.configure({ getSavedBoard }),
@ -15,12 +15,23 @@
<script lang="ts">
import { SearchResultDoc } from '@hcengineering/core'
import presentation, { SearchResult, reduceCalls, searchFor, type SearchItem } from '@hcengineering/presentation'
import { getResource } from '@hcengineering/platform'
import presentation, {
type SearchItem
} from '@hcengineering/presentation'
import { Label, ListView, resizeObserver } from '@hcengineering/ui'
import view from '@hcengineering/view'
import { createEventDispatcher } from 'svelte'
export let query: string = ''
const client = getClient()
const hierarchy = client.getHierarchy()
let items: SearchItem[] = []
const dispatch = createEventDispatcher()
@ -29,10 +40,21 @@
let scrollContainer: HTMLElement
let selection = 0
function dispatchItem (item: SearchResultDoc): void {
async function getIdentifier (item: SearchResultDoc): Promise<string | undefined> {
const identifierProvider = hierarchy.classHierarchyMixin(item.doc._class, view.mixin.ObjectIdentifier)
if (identifierProvider === undefined) {
return item.shortTitle ?? item.title
const resource = await getResource(identifierProvider.provider)
return await resource(client, item.id)
async function handleSelectItem (item: SearchResultDoc): Promise<void> {
const identifier = await getIdentifier(item)
dispatch('close', {
id: item.id,
label: item.shortTitle ?? item.title,
label: identifier,
objectclass: item.doc._class
@ -58,7 +80,7 @@
if (selection < items.length) {
const searchItem = items[selection]
void handleSelectItem(searchItem.item)
return true
} else {
return false
@ -102,7 +124,7 @@
class="ap-menuItem withComp h-8"
on:click={() => {
void handleSelectItem(doc)
<SearchResult value={doc} />
@ -0,0 +1,711 @@
// Copyright © 2024 Hardcore Engineering Inc.
// Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may
// obtain a copy of the License at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import { codeBlockOptions } from '@hcengineering/text'
import { type CodeBlockLowlightOptions, CodeBlockLowlight } from '@tiptap/extension-code-block-lowlight'
import { type Node as ProseMirrorNode } from '@tiptap/pm/model'
import { NodeSelection, Plugin, PluginKey, TextSelection, type Transaction } from '@tiptap/pm/state'
import { Decoration, DecorationSet, type EditorView } from '@tiptap/pm/view'
import { createLowlight } from 'lowlight'
import { isChangeEditable } from './editable'
import type { MermaidConfig } from 'mermaid'
import { getCurrentTheme, isThemeDark, themeStore } from '@hcengineering/theme'
import { createRelativePositionFromTypeIndex, type RelativePosition, type Doc as YDoc } from 'yjs'
import { mergeAttributes } from '@tiptap/core'
export interface MermaidOptions extends CodeBlockLowlightOptions {
ydoc?: YDoc
ydocContentField?: string
export const mermaidOptions: CodeBlockLowlightOptions = {
lowlight: createLowlight({ mermaid: mermaidHLJS }),
defaultLanguage: 'mermaid'
const mermaidMetaTxField = 'mermaid-meta-tx'
interface TxMetaContainer {
nodePatch?: NodePatchSpec
renderResult?: MermaidRenderResult
updateDecorations?: boolean
interface NodeDecorationState {
type: 'mermaid'
diagramBuilder: (view: EditorView) => MermaidRenderResult | null
folded: boolean
textContent: string
selected: boolean
function getTxMeta (tx?: Transaction): TxMetaContainer | undefined {
return tx?.getMeta('mermaid-meta-tx')
function setTxMeta (tx: Transaction, meta: TxMetaContainer): Transaction {
return tx.setMeta(mermaidMetaTxField, meta).setMeta('addToHistory', false)
interface NodePatchSpec {
pos: number
folded: boolean
selected: boolean
export const MermaidExtension = CodeBlockLowlight.extend<MermaidOptions>({
name: 'mermaid',
group: 'block',
draggable: true,
selectable: true,
parseHTML () {
return [
tag: 'div.mermaid-diagram',
preserveWhitespace: 'full'
addAttributes () {
return {
language: {
default: 'mermaid'
renderHTML ({ node, HTMLAttributes }) {
return [
mergeAttributes(this.options.HTMLAttributes, HTMLAttributes, {
class: 'mermaid-diagram'
class: node.attrs.language !== undefined ? this.options.languageClassPrefix + node.attrs.language : null
addCommands () {
return {}
addInputRules () {
return []
addProseMirrorPlugins () {
return [...(this.parent?.() ?? []), MermaidDecorator(this.options)]
addNodeView () {
return ({ getPos, editor, node, decorations }) => {
const containerNode = document.createElement('pre')
containerNode.className = 'proseMermaidDiagram'
const headerNode = containerNode.appendChild(document.createElement('header'))
headerNode.contentEditable = 'false'
const contentNode = containerNode.appendChild(document.createElement('code'))
contentNode.translate = false
contentNode.spellcheck = false
const previewNode = containerNode.appendChild(document.createElement('div'))
previewNode.className = 'mermaidPreviewContainer'
previewNode.contentEditable = 'false'
const languageLabelNode = headerNode.appendChild(document.createElement('button'))
const languageLabelSpanNode = languageLabelNode.appendChild(document.createElement('span'))
languageLabelSpanNode.className = 'overflow-label label disabled mr-2'
languageLabelSpanNode.textContent = 'mermaid'
const toggleButtonNode = headerNode.appendChild(document.createElement('button'))
const toggleButtonIconNode = toggleButtonNode.appendChild(document.createElement('div'))
toggleButtonIconNode.className = 'btn-icon'
let nodeState: NodeDecorationState = {
type: 'mermaid',
folded: false,
selected: false,
diagramBuilder: () => null,
textContent: node.textContent
const toggleFoldState = (newState: boolean, event?: MouseEvent): void => {
if (typeof getPos !== 'function') return
const pos = getPos()
const node = editor.view.state.doc.nodeAt(pos)
if (node?.type.name !== MermaidExtension.name) return
const nodePatch: NodePatchSpec = {
folded: !nodeState.folded,
selected: nodeState.selected
const tr = setTxMeta(editor.view.state.tr, { nodePatch })
if (nodePatch.folded) {
tr.setSelection(NodeSelection.create(editor.view.state.doc, pos))
} else {
const selection = TextSelection.findFrom(editor.view.state.doc.resolve(pos + node.nodeSize), -1)
if (selection !== null) tr.setSelection(selection)
toggleButtonNode.onmousedown = (e) => {
toggleFoldState(!nodeState.folded, e)
previewNode.ondblclick = (e) => {
toggleFoldState(!nodeState.folded, e)
previewNode.onclick = (e) => {
if (typeof getPos !== 'function') return
const pos = getPos()
const selection = NodeSelection.create(editor.view.state.doc, pos)
const syncState = (decorations: readonly Decoration[]): void => {
nodeState = decorations.find((d) => d.spec.type === MermaidExtension.name)?.spec ?? nodeState
const isEmpty = nodeState.textContent.trim().length === 0
const diagram = nodeState.diagramBuilder?.(editor.view) ?? null
const error = diagram?.error ?? null
const diagramNode = error === null ? diagram?.domFragments[0] ?? null : null
const allowFold = !isEmpty && error === null
if (nodeState.folded) {
contentNode.style.display = 'none'
languageLabelNode.style.display = 'none'
toggleButtonIconNode.innerHTML = editIconSvg
toggleButtonNode.className = 'antiButton primary medium sh-no-shape bs-none only-icon'
} else {
contentNode.style.display = ''
languageLabelNode.style.display = ''
toggleButtonIconNode.innerHTML = foldIconSvg
toggleButtonNode.className = 'antiButton link-bordered medium sh-no-shape bs-none only-icon'
toggleButtonNode.style.display = allowFold ? '' : 'none'
previewNode.style.display = diagramNode !== null ? '' : 'none'
if (nodeState.selected) {
} else {
if (!isEmpty && error !== null) {
languageLabelNode.className =
'antiButton negative medium sh-no-shape bs-none gap-medium iconR pointer-events-none'
} else {
languageLabelNode.className =
'antiButton link-bordered medium sh-no-shape bs-none gap-medium iconR pointer-events-none'
while (previewNode.firstChild !== null && previewNode.firstChild !== diagramNode) {
if (diagramNode?.parentElement !== previewNode) {
if (diagramNode !== null && previewNode.firstChild !== diagramNode) {
if (!allowFold && nodeState.folded) {
const toggleSelection = (newState: boolean): void => {
if (nodeState.selected === newState) return
if (typeof getPos !== 'function') return
const pos = getPos()
const tr = setTxMeta(editor.view.state.tr, {
nodePatch: {
folded: nodeState.folded,
selected: newState
return {
dom: containerNode,
contentDOM: contentNode,
selectNode: () => {
deselectNode: () => {
stopEvent: (event) => {
if (event instanceof DragEvent && !nodeState.folded) {
update: (node, decorations) => {
if (node.type.name !== MermaidExtension.name) return false
return true
interface MermaidPluginState {
decorationSet: DecorationSet
decorationCache: Map<number | string, NodeDecorationState>
nodeidCache: Map<number | string, MermaidRenderResult>
renderCache: Map<string, MermaidRenderResult>
pendingFragments: Set<string>
throttle: ThrottledCaller<string | number>
interface MermaidRenderResult {
svg?: string
error?: {
name?: string
message: string
input: string
domFragments: HTMLElement[]
theme: MermaidConfig['theme']
async function renderMermaidDiagram (code: string, theme: MermaidConfig['theme']): Promise<MermaidRenderResult> {
// Has no practical effect now, but in case the Webpack
// configuration gets changed to split the vendor bundle, it might come in handy
const mermaid = (await import(/* webpackMode: "lazy-once" */ 'mermaid')).default
startOnLoad: false,
securityLevel: 'loose',
fontFamily: 'var(--font-family)',
logLevel: 5,
const id = `mermaid-diagram-${Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 9)}`
const result: MermaidRenderResult = {
input: code,
domFragments: [],
try {
const render = await mermaid.render(id, code)
result.svg = render.svg
} catch (e: any) {
if (typeof e?.message === 'string') {
result.error = {
name: e.name,
message: e.message
} else {
result.error = {
name: 'unknown',
message: 'unknown'
return result
function buildState (
options: MermaidOptions,
prev: MermaidPluginState,
doc: ProseMirrorNode,
tr?: Transaction
): MermaidPluginState {
const renderCache = new Map(prev.renderCache)
const nodeidCache = new Map<string | number, MermaidRenderResult>()
const decorationCache = new Map<string | number, NodeDecorationState>()
const pendingFragments = new Set(prev.pendingFragments)
const theme: MermaidConfig['theme'] = isThemeDark(getCurrentTheme()) ? 'dark' : 'default'
const unusedRenderCache = new Set(renderCache.keys())
const usedFragments = new Set<HTMLElement>()
const newRenderCacheEntry = getTxMeta(tr)?.renderResult
if (newRenderCacheEntry !== undefined) {
renderCache.set(newRenderCacheEntry.input, newRenderCacheEntry)
const buildOrReuseFragment = (renderState: MermaidRenderResult | null): HTMLElement | null => {
if (renderState?.svg === undefined) return null
const reuse = renderState.domFragments.find((f) => !usedFragments.has(f))
if (reuse !== undefined) {
return reuse
const container = document.createElement('div')
container.className = 'mermaidPreview'
container.innerHTML = renderState.svg
return container
const buildDiagram = (
node: ProseMirrorNode,
nodeid: string | number,
view: EditorView,
theme: MermaidConfig['theme']
): MermaidRenderResult => {
const textContent = node.textContent
const nodeRenderState = renderCache.get(textContent)
const nodeTargetRenderState = nodeRenderState ??
prev.nodeidCache.get(nodeid) ?? { input: textContent, theme, domFragments: [] }
nodeidCache.set(nodeid, nodeTargetRenderState)
const element = buildOrReuseFragment(nodeTargetRenderState)
if ((nodeRenderState === undefined && !pendingFragments.has(textContent)) || nodeRenderState?.theme !== theme) {
prev.throttle.call(nodeid, () => {
renderMermaidDiagram(textContent, theme).then(
(renderResult) => {
view.dispatch(setTxMeta(view.state.tr, { renderResult }))
(reject) => {
return { ...nodeTargetRenderState, domFragments: element !== null ? [element] : [] }
const decorations: Decoration[] = []
const lastDecorationSet = tr !== undefined ? prev.decorationSet.map(tr.mapping, tr.doc) : prev.decorationSet
const nodeStatePatch = getTxMeta(tr)?.nodePatch
let mIndex = 0
doc.descendants((node, pos, parent, index) => {
if (node.type.name !== MermaidExtension.name) {
// See https://github.com/yjs/y-prosemirror/issues/49
// Ideally, one would hope that decorations would be recovered through the use of
// transaction mapping, but with Yjs this is not possible in many cases.
// So there's a need for dirty hacks to keep the state of the node intact. (See below).
const yjsdoc = options.ydoc?.getXmlFragment(options.ydocContentField ?? 'content')
const yid =
yjsdoc !== undefined ? yRelativePositionToString(createRelativePositionFromTypeIndex(yjsdoc, index)) : undefined
const nodeid = yid ?? index
const oldCache = prev.decorationCache
const oldState =
(lastDecorationSet.find(pos, pos + node.nodeSize).find((d) => d.spec.type === MermaidExtension.name)
?.spec as NodeDecorationState) ??
(yid !== undefined ? oldCache.get(nodeid) : undefined) ??
(oldCache.get(mIndex)?.textContent === node.textContent ? oldCache.get(mIndex) : undefined)
const newState: NodeDecorationState = {
type: 'mermaid',
diagramBuilder: (view: EditorView) => buildDiagram(node, nodeid, view, theme),
folded: oldState?.folded ?? node.textContent.trim().length > 0,
selected: oldState?.selected ?? false,
textContent: node.textContent
if (nodeStatePatch !== undefined && pos === nodeStatePatch.pos) {
newState.folded = nodeStatePatch.folded
newState.selected = nodeStatePatch.selected
if (yid !== undefined) decorationCache.set(yid, newState)
decorationCache.set(mIndex, newState)
decorations.push(Decoration.node(pos, pos + node.nodeSize, {}, newState))
const decorationSet = DecorationSet.create(doc, decorations)
if (unusedRenderCache.size >= 16) {
for (const key of unusedRenderCache) {
return {
throttle: prev.throttle,
export function MermaidDecorator (options: MermaidOptions): Plugin {
return new Plugin<MermaidPluginState>({
key: new PluginKey('mermaid-decorator'),
props: {
decorations (state) {
return this.getState(state)?.decorationSet
state: {
init (config, state) {
return buildState(
decorationSet: DecorationSet.create(state.doc, []),
decorationCache: new Map(),
nodeidCache: new Map(),
renderCache: new Map(),
throttle: new ThrottledCaller(150),
pendingFragments: new Set()
apply (tr, prev, oldState, newState) {
if (tr.docChanged || isChangeEditable(tr) || getTxMeta(tr) !== undefined) {
return buildState(options, prev, newState.doc, tr)
return prev
view (editorView) {
const unsubscribe = themeStore.subscribe(() => {
editorView.dispatch(setTxMeta(editorView.state.tr, { updateDecorations: true }))
return {
destroy () {
class ThrottledCaller<T> {
timers = new Map<T, number>()
delay: number
lookup (key: T): number {
return this.timers.get(key) ?? 0
update (key: T, increment: number = 0): number {
const ticks = this.lookup(key) + increment
this.timers.set(key, ticks)
if (ticks === 0) this.timers.delete(key)
return ticks
constructor (delay: number = 150) {
this.delay = delay
call (key: T, callback: () => void): void {
const instant = this.lookup(key) === 0
if (instant) callback()
this.update(key, 1)
setTimeout(() => {
const ticks = this.update(key, -1)
if (ticks === 0 && !instant) callback()
}, this.delay)
function yRelativePositionToString (id: RelativePosition): string | undefined {
if (id.item?.client === undefined) return
return `${id.item.client}_${id.item.clock}`
// There is no public implementation of memraid syntax for higlightjs, while implementations for
// other highlighting tools are either incomplete or outdated (even the one used in the official live editor).
// This is a crude (broken) and incomplete port of the grammar.
function mermaidHLJS (hljs: any): any {
return {
case_insensitive: false,
contains: [
// Comments
hljs.COMMENT('%%', '%%', {}),
// Style definitions
className: 'style',
begin: /^([ \t]*(?:classDef|linkStyle|style)[ \t]+[\w$-]+[ \t]+)\w.*[^\s;]/m,
keywords: {
name: 'classDef linkStyle style'
contains: [
className: 'property',
begin: /\b\w[\w-]*(?=[ \t]*:)/
className: 'operator',
begin: /:/
className: 'punctuation',
begin: /,/
// Inter-arrow labels
className: 'operator',
/([^<>ox.=-])(?:-[-.]|==)(?![<>ox.=-])[ \t]*(?:"[^"\r\n]*"|[^\s".=-](?:[^\r\n.=-]*[^\s.=-])?)[ \t]*(?:\.+->?|--+[->]|==+[=>])(?![<>ox.=-])/,
contains: [
className: 'operator',
begin: /(?:\.+->?|--+[->]|==+[=>])$/
className: 'string',
begin: /^([\s\S]{2}[ \t]*)\S(?:[\s\S]*\S)?/
className: 'arrow-head',
begin: /^\S+/
// Arrow types
className: 'operator',
variants: [
{ begin: /(?<=^|[^{}|o.-])[|}][|o](?:--|\.\.)[|o][|{](?![{}|o.-])/ },
{ begin: /(?<=^|[^<>()x-])(?:--?(?:>>|[x>)])(?![<>()x])|(?:<<|[x<(])--?(?!-))/ },
{ begin: /(?<=^|[^<>|*o.-])(?:[*o]--|--[*o]|<\|?(?:--|\.\.)|(?:--|\.\.)\|?>|--|\.\.)(?![<>|*o.-])/ }
// Labels
className: 'string',
begin: /(^|[^|<])\|(?:[^\r\n"|]|"[^"\r\n]*")+\|/
// Text elements
className: 'string',
begin: /(?:[([{]+|\b>)(?:[^\r\n"()[\]{}]|"[^"\r\n]*")+(?:[)\]}]+|>)/
// Strings
className: 'string',
begin: /"[^"\r\n]*"/
// Annotations
className: 'keyword',
begin: /<<(?:abstract|choice|enumeration|fork|interface|join|service)>>|\[\[(?:choice|fork|join)\]\]/i
// Keywords
className: 'keyword',
variants: [
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/(^[ \t]*)(?:activate|alt|and|as|autonumber|deactivate|else|end(?:[ \t]+note)?|loop|opt|par|participant|rect|state|note[ \t]+(?:over|(?:left|right)[ \t]+of))(?![\w$-])/im
// Entities
className: 'variable',
begin: /#[a-z0-9]+;/
// Operators
className: 'operator',
begin: /(\w[ \t]*)&(?=[ \t]*\w)|:::|:/
const editIconSvg = `<svg class="svg-medium" fill="currentColor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
<path d="M14,13.1H9.2c-0.3,0-0.5,0.2-0.5,0.5s0.2,0.5,0.5,0.5H14c0.3,0,0.5-0.2,0.5-0.5S14.3,13.1,14,13.1z"></path><path d="M11.4,7.1C11.4,7.1,11.4,7.1,11.4,7.1c1.2-1.6,1.3-1.6,1.3-1.6C12.9,5,13,4.5,12.9,4c-0.1-0.5-0.4-0.9-0.8-1.2 c0,0-1.1-0.9-1.1-0.9c-0.8-0.7-2.1-0.6-2.8,0.3c0,0,0,0,0,0l-6.3,7.9c-0.3,0.4-0.4,0.9-0.3,1.4l0.5,2.3c0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.4 c0,0,0,0,0,0l2.4,0c0.5,0,1-0.2,1.3-0.6C8.9,10.2,10.5,8.2,11.4,7.1C11.4,7.1,11.4,7.1,11.4,7.1z M8.9,2.8c0.3-0.4,1-0.5,1.4-0.1 c0,0,1.2,0.9,1.2,0.9c0.2,0.1,0.4,0.3,0.4,0.6c0.1,0.2,0,0.5-0.1,0.7c0,0-0.4,0.5-0.9,1.2L8.1,3.9L8.9,2.8z M5.5,12.9 C5.4,13,5.2,13.1,5,13.1l-2,0l-0.5-1.9c0-0.2,0-0.4,0.1-0.5l4.8-6l2.8,2.2C8.9,8.6,6.8,11.2,5.5,12.9z"></path>
const foldIconSvg = `<svg class="svg-medium" fill="currentColor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 16 16"><path d="M14.1464 1.14645C14.3417 0.951184 14.6583 0.951184 14.8535 1.14645C15.0477 1.34063 15.0488 1.6548 14.8567 1.85031L10.707 5.99999H14V6.99999H8.99996V1.99999H9.99996V5.29299L14.1464 1.14645Z"></path>
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@ -149,7 +149,8 @@ export function inlineCommandsConfig (
{ id: 'code-block', label: textEditor.string.CodeBlock, icon: view.icon.CodeBlock },
{ id: 'separator-line', label: textEditor.string.SeparatorLine, icon: view.icon.SeparatorLine },
{ id: 'todo-list', label: textEditor.string.TodoList, icon: view.icon.TodoList },
{ id: 'drawing-board', label: textEditor.string.DrawingBoard, icon: IconScribble as any }
{ id: 'drawing-board', label: textEditor.string.DrawingBoard, icon: IconScribble as any },
{ id: 'mermaid', label: textEditor.string.MermaidDiargram, icon: view.icon.Model }
].filter(({ id }) => !excludedCommands.includes(id as InlineCommandId))
command: ({ editor, range, props }: { editor: Editor, range: Range, props: any }) => {
@ -94,7 +94,8 @@ export default plugin(textEditorId, {
Image: '' as IntlString,
SeparatorLine: '' as IntlString,
TodoList: '' as IntlString,
DrawingBoard: '' as IntlString
DrawingBoard: '' as IntlString,
MermaidDiargram: '' as IntlString
icon: {
Header1: '' as Asset,
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