mirror of
synced 2025-01-24 20:40:59 +00:00
HR minor fixes (#2245)
This commit is contained in:
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
import view, { BuildModelKey, Viewlet, ViewletPreference } from '@anticrm/view'
import { Table, ViewletSettingButton } from '@anticrm/view-resources'
import hr from '../../plugin'
import { fromTzDate, getMonth, getTotal, tableToCSV, weekDays } from '../../utils'
import { fromTzDate, getMonth, getRequestDays, getTotal, tableToCSV, weekDays } from '../../utils'
import NumberPresenter from './StatPresenter.svelte'
export let currentDate: Date = new Date()
@ -35,21 +35,14 @@
$: wDays = weekDays(month.getUTCFullYear(), month.getUTCMonth())
function getDateRange (request: Request): string {
const st = new Date(fromTzDate(request.tzDate)).getDate()
const days =
Math.floor(Math.abs((1 + fromTzDate(request.tzDueDate) - fromTzDate(request.tzDate)) / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24)) + 1
const stDate = new Date(fromTzDate(request.tzDate))
let ds = Array.from(Array(days).keys()).map((it) => st + it)
const type = types.get(request.type)
if ((type?.value ?? -1) < 0) {
ds = ds.filter((it) => ![0, 6].includes(new Date(stDate.setDate(it)).getDay()))
const ds = getRequestDays(request, types, month.getMonth())
return ds.join(' ')
function getEndDate (date: Date): number {
return new Date(date).setMonth(date.getMonth() + 1)
function getRequests (employee: Ref<Staff>, date: Date): Request[] {
const requests = employeeRequests.get(employee)
if (requests === undefined) return []
@ -64,80 +57,89 @@
return res
$: typevals = new Map<string, BuildModelKey>(
Array.from(types.values()).map((it) => [
it.label as string,
key: '',
label: it.label,
presenter: NumberPresenter,
props: {
month: month ?? getMonth(currentDate, currentDate.getMonth()),
display: (req: Request[]) =>
.filter((r) => r.type === it._id)
.map((it) => getDateRange(it))
.join(' '),
function getTypeVals (month: Date): Map<string, BuildModelKey> {
return new Map(
Array.from(types.values()).map((it) => [
it.label as string,
key: '',
label: it.label,
presenter: NumberPresenter,
props: {
month: month ?? getMonth(currentDate, currentDate.getMonth()),
display: (req: Request[]) =>
.filter((r) => r.type === it._id)
.map((it) => getDateRange(it))
.join(' '),
$: overrideConfig = new Map<string, BuildModelKey>([
key: '',
label: getEmbeddedLabel('Working days'),
presenter: NumberPresenter,
props: {
month: month ?? getMonth(currentDate, currentDate.getMonth()),
display: (req: Request[]) => wDays + getTotal(req, types),
sortingKey: '@wdCount',
sortingFunction: (a: Doc, b: Doc) =>
getTotal(getRequests(b._id as Ref<Staff>, month), types) -
getTotal(getRequests(a._id as Ref<Staff>, month), types)
key: '',
label: getEmbeddedLabel('PTOs'),
presenter: NumberPresenter,
props: {
month: month ?? getMonth(currentDate, currentDate.getMonth()),
display: (req: Request[]) => getTotal(req, types, (a) => (a < 0 ? Math.abs(a) : 0)),
sortingKey: '@ptoCount',
sortingFunction: (a: Doc, b: Doc) =>
getTotal(getRequests(b._id as Ref<Staff>, month), types, (a) => (a < 0 ? Math.abs(a) : 0)) -
getTotal(getRequests(a._id as Ref<Staff>, month), types, (a) => (a < 0 ? Math.abs(a) : 0))
key: '',
label: getEmbeddedLabel('EXTRa'),
presenter: NumberPresenter,
props: {
month: month ?? getMonth(currentDate, currentDate.getMonth()),
display: (req: Request[]) => getTotal(req, types, (a) => (a > 0 ? Math.abs(a) : 0)),
sortingKey: '@extraCount',
sortingFunction: (a: Doc, b: Doc) =>
getTotal(getRequests(b._id as Ref<Staff>, month), types, (a) => (a > 0 ? Math.abs(a) : 0)) -
getTotal(getRequests(a._id as Ref<Staff>, month), types, (a) => (a > 0 ? Math.abs(a) : 0))
function getOverrideConfig (month: Date): Map<string, BuildModelKey> {
const typevals = getTypeVals(month)
return new Map<string, BuildModelKey>([
key: '',
label: getEmbeddedLabel('Working days'),
presenter: NumberPresenter,
props: {
month: month ?? getMonth(currentDate, currentDate.getMonth()),
display: (req: Request[]) => wDays + getTotal(req, month.getMonth(), types),
sortingKey: '@wdCount',
sortingFunction: (a: Doc, b: Doc) =>
getTotal(getRequests(b._id as Ref<Staff>, month), month.getMonth(), types) -
getTotal(getRequests(a._id as Ref<Staff>, month), month.getMonth(), types)
key: '',
label: getEmbeddedLabel('PTOs'),
presenter: NumberPresenter,
props: {
month: month ?? getMonth(currentDate, currentDate.getMonth()),
display: (req: Request[]) => getTotal(req, month.getMonth(), types, (a) => (a < 0 ? Math.abs(a) : 0)),
sortingKey: '@ptoCount',
sortingFunction: (a: Doc, b: Doc) =>
getTotal(getRequests(b._id as Ref<Staff>, month), month.getMonth(), types, (a) =>
a < 0 ? Math.abs(a) : 0
) -
getTotal(getRequests(a._id as Ref<Staff>, month), month.getMonth(), types, (a) => (a < 0 ? Math.abs(a) : 0))
key: '',
label: getEmbeddedLabel('EXTRa'),
presenter: NumberPresenter,
props: {
month: month ?? getMonth(currentDate, currentDate.getMonth()),
display: (req: Request[]) => getTotal(req, month.getMonth(), types, (a) => (a > 0 ? Math.abs(a) : 0)),
sortingKey: '@extraCount',
sortingFunction: (a: Doc, b: Doc) =>
getTotal(getRequests(b._id as Ref<Staff>, month), month.getMonth(), types, (a) =>
a > 0 ? Math.abs(a) : 0
) -
getTotal(getRequests(a._id as Ref<Staff>, month), month.getMonth(), types, (a) => (a > 0 ? Math.abs(a) : 0))
const preferenceQuery = createQuery()
let preference: ViewletPreference | undefined
@ -173,14 +175,16 @@
function createConfig (descr: Viewlet, preference: ViewletPreference | undefined): (string | BuildModelKey)[] {
function createConfig (
descr: Viewlet,
preference: ViewletPreference | undefined,
month: Date
): (string | BuildModelKey)[] {
const base = preference?.config ?? descr.config
const result: (string | BuildModelKey)[] = []
const overrideConfig = getOverrideConfig(month)
for (const c of overrideConfig.values()) {
for (const key of base) {
for (const key of [...base, ...overrideConfig.values()]) {
if (typeof key === 'string') {
result.push(overrideConfig.get(key) ?? key)
} else {
@ -213,7 +217,7 @@
link.setAttribute('target', '_blank')
'data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(tableToCSV('exportableData'))
'data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,%EF%BB%BF' + encodeURIComponent(tableToCSV('exportableData'))
link.setAttribute('download', filename)
@ -226,7 +230,7 @@
query={{ _id: { $in: departmentStaff.map((it) => it._id) } }}
config={createConfig(descr, preference)}
config={createConfig(descr, preference, month)}
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
<EmployeePresenter value={employee} />
<td class="flex-center p-1" class:firstLine={row === 0} class:lastLine={row === departmentStaff.length - 1}>
{getTotal(requests, types)}
{getTotal(requests, startDate.getMonth(), types)}
{#each values as value, i}
{@const date = getDay(startDate, value)}
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
<div class="flex-center">
{getTotal(requests, types)}
{getTotal(requests, value, types)}
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import { Employee, formatName } from '@anticrm/contact'
import { Ref, TxOperations } from '@anticrm/core'
import { Department, Request, RequestType, TzDate } from '@anticrm/hr'
import { MessageBox } from '@anticrm/presentation'
import { showPopup } from '@anticrm/ui'
import { isWeekend, showPopup } from '@anticrm/ui'
import hr from './plugin'
export async function addMember (client: TxOperations, employee?: Employee, value?: Department): Promise<void> {
@ -98,22 +98,34 @@ export function getMonth (date: Date, m: number): Date {
return date
export function getRequestDays (request: Request, types: Map<Ref<RequestType>, RequestType>, month: number): number[] {
const type = types.get(request.type)
const startDate =
request.tzDate.month === month ? fromTzDate(request.tzDate) : fromTzDate({ ...request.tzDate, month, day: 1 })
const endDate =
request.tzDueDate.month === month
? fromTzDate(request.tzDueDate)
: fromTzDate({ ...request.tzDueDate, month: month + 1, day: -1 })
const days = Math.floor(Math.abs((1 + endDate - startDate) / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24)) + 1
const stDate = new Date(startDate)
const stDateDate = stDate.getDate()
let ds = Array.from(Array(days).keys()).map((it) => stDateDate + it)
if ((type?.value ?? -1) < 0) {
ds = ds.filter((it) => !isWeekend(new Date(stDate.setDate(it))))
return ds
export function getTotal (
requests: Request[],
month: number,
types: Map<Ref<RequestType>, RequestType>,
f: (v: number) => number = (f) => f
): number {
let total = 0
for (const request of requests) {
const ds = getRequestDays(request, types, month)
const type = types.get(request.type)
const days =
Math.floor(Math.abs((1 + fromTzDate(request.tzDueDate) - fromTzDate(request.tzDate)) / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24)) + 1
const stDate = new Date(fromTzDate(request.tzDate))
const stDateDate = stDate.getDate()
let ds = Array.from(Array(days).keys()).map((it) => stDateDate + it)
if ((type?.value ?? -1) < 0) {
ds = ds.filter((it) => ![0, 6].includes(new Date(stDate.setDate(it)).getDay()))
const val = Math.ceil(ds.length) * (type?.value ?? 0)
total += f(val)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user