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// Copyright © 2020, 2021 Anticrm Platform Contributors.
// Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may
// obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import core, {
} from '@anticrm/core'
import justClone from 'just-clone'
interface Query {
_class: Ref<Class<Doc>>
query: DocumentQuery<Doc>
result: Doc[] | Promise<Doc[]>
options?: FindOptions<Doc>
callback: (result: FindResult<Doc>) => void
* @public
export class LiveQuery extends TxProcessor implements Client {
private readonly client: Client
private readonly queries: Query[] = []
constructor (client: Client) {
this.client = client
async close (): Promise<void> {
return await this.client.close()
getHierarchy (): Hierarchy {
return this.client.getHierarchy()
getModel (): ModelDb {
return this.client.getModel()
private match (q: Query, doc: Doc): boolean {
if (!this.getHierarchy().isDerived(doc._class, q._class)) {
// Check if it is not a mixin and not match class
const mixinClass = Hierarchy.mixinClass(doc)
if (mixinClass === undefined || !this.getHierarchy().isDerived(mixinClass, q._class)) {
return false
const query = q.query
for (const key in query) {
if (key === '$search') continue
const value = (query as any)[key]
const result = findProperty([doc], key, value)
if (result.length === 0) {
return false
return true
async findAll<T extends Doc>(
_class: Ref<Class<T>>,
query: DocumentQuery<T>,
options?: FindOptions<T>
): Promise<FindResult<T>> {
return await this.client.findAll(_class, query, options)
async findOne<T extends Doc>(
_class: Ref<Class<T>>,
query: DocumentQuery<T>,
options?: FindOptions<T>
): Promise<WithLookup<T> | undefined> {
return await this.client.findOne(_class, query, options)
query<T extends Doc>(
_class: Ref<Class<T>>,
query: DocumentQuery<T>,
callback: (result: T[]) => void,
options?: FindOptions<T>
): () => void {
const result = this.client.findAll(_class, query, options)
const q: Query = {
options: options as FindOptions<Doc>,
callback: callback as (result: Doc[]) => void
.then((result) => {
.catch((err) => {
console.log('failed to update Live Query: ', err)
return () => {
this.queries.splice(this.queries.indexOf(q), 1)
protected override async txPutBag (tx: TxPutBag<any>): Promise<TxResult> {
for (const q of this.queries) {
if (q.result instanceof Promise) {
q.result = await q.result
const updatedDoc = q.result.find((p) => p._id === tx.objectId)
if (updatedDoc !== undefined) {
const doc = updatedDoc as any
let bag = doc[tx.bag]
if (bag === undefined) {
doc[tx.bag] = bag = {}
bag[tx.key] = tx.value
await this.callback(updatedDoc, q)
return {}
protected override async txMixin (tx: TxMixin<Doc, Doc>): Promise<TxResult> {
for (const q of this.queries) {
if (this.client.getHierarchy().isDerived(q._class, core.class.Tx)) {
// handle add since Txes are immutable
await this.handleDocAdd(q, tx)
if (q.result instanceof Promise) {
q.result = await q.result
let updatedDoc = q.result.find((p) => p._id === tx.objectId)
if (updatedDoc !== undefined) {
// Create or apply mixin value
updatedDoc = TxProcessor.updateMixin4Doc(updatedDoc, tx.mixin, tx.attributes)
await this.callback(updatedDoc, q)
} else {
if (this.getHierarchy().isDerived(tx.mixin, q._class)) {
// Mixin potentially added to object we doesn't have in out results
const doc = await this.findOne(q._class, { _id: tx.objectId }, q.options)
if (doc !== undefined) {
await this.handleDocAdd(q, doc)
return {}
protected async txCollectionCUD (tx: TxCollectionCUD<Doc, AttachedDoc>): Promise<TxResult> {
for (const q of this.queries) {
if (this.client.getHierarchy().isDerived(q._class, core.class.Tx)) {
// handle add since Txes are immutable
await this.handleDocAdd(q, tx)
if (tx.tx._class === core.class.TxCreateDoc) {
const createTx = tx.tx as TxCreateDoc<AttachedDoc>
const d: TxCreateDoc<AttachedDoc> = {
attributes: {
attachedTo: tx.objectId,
attachedToClass: tx.objectClass,
collection: tx.collection
await this.handleDocAdd(q, TxProcessor.createDoc2Doc(d))
} else if (tx.tx._class === core.class.TxUpdateDoc) {
await this.handleDocUpdate(q, tx.tx as unknown as TxUpdateDoc<Doc>)
} else if (tx.tx._class === core.class.TxRemoveDoc) {
await this.handleDocRemove(q, tx.tx as unknown as TxRemoveDoc<Doc>)
return {}
protected async txUpdateDoc (tx: TxUpdateDoc<Doc>): Promise<TxResult> {
for (const q of this.queries) {
if (this.client.getHierarchy().isDerived(q._class, core.class.Tx)) {
// handle add since Txes are immutable
await this.handleDocAdd(q, tx)
await this.handleDocUpdate(q, tx)
return {}
private async handleDocUpdate (q: Query, tx: TxUpdateDoc<Doc>): Promise<void> {
if (q.result instanceof Promise) {
q.result = await q.result
const pos = q.result.findIndex((p) => p._id === tx.objectId)
if (pos !== -1) {
// If query contains search we must check use fulltext
if (q.query.$search != null && q.query.$search.length > 0) {
const match = await this.findOne(q._class, { $search: q.query.$search, _id: tx.objectId }, q.options)
if (match === undefined) {
q.result.splice(pos, 1)
} else {
q.result[pos] = match
} else {
const updatedDoc = q.result[pos]
if (updatedDoc.modifiedOn > tx.modifiedOn) return
if (updatedDoc.modifiedOn === tx.modifiedOn) {
const current = await this.findOne(q._class, { _id: updatedDoc._id })
if (current !== undefined) {
q.result[pos] = current
} else {
q.result.splice(pos, 1)
} else {
await this.__updateDoc(q, updatedDoc, tx)
if (!this.match(q, updatedDoc)) {
q.result.splice(pos, 1)
} else {
q.result[pos] = updatedDoc
this.sort(q, tx)
await this.callback(q.result[pos], q)
} else if (this.matchQuery(q, tx)) {
return await this.refresh(q)
await this.handleDocUpdateLookup(q, tx)
private async handleDocUpdateLookup (q: Query, tx: TxUpdateDoc<Doc>): Promise<void> {
if (q.options?.lookup === undefined) return
const lookup = q.options.lookup
if (q.result instanceof Promise) {
q.result = await q.result
let needCallback = false
needCallback = this.proccesLookupUpdateDoc(q.result, lookup, tx)
if (needCallback) {
if (q.options?.sort !== undefined) {
resultSort(q.result, q.options?.sort)
private proccesLookupUpdateDoc (docs: Doc[], lookup: Lookup<Doc>, tx: TxUpdateDoc<Doc>): boolean {
let needCallback = false
const lookupWays = this.getLookupWays(lookup, tx.objectClass)
for (const lookupWay of lookupWays) {
const [objWay, key] = lookupWay
for (const resDoc of docs) {
const obj = getObjectValue(objWay, resDoc)
if (obj === undefined) continue
const value = getObjectValue('$lookup.' + key, obj)
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
const index = value.findIndex((p) => p._id === tx.objectId)
if (index !== -1) {
TxProcessor.updateDoc2Doc(value[index], tx)
needCallback = true
} else {
if (obj[key] === tx.objectId) {
TxProcessor.updateDoc2Doc(obj.$lookup[key], tx)
needCallback = true
return needCallback
* Clone document with respect to mixin inner document cloning.
private clone<T extends Doc>(results: T[]): T[] {
const result: T[] = []
const h = this.getHierarchy()
for (const doc of results) {
const m = Hierarchy.mixinClass(doc)
result.push(m !== undefined ?, m) : justClone(doc))
return result
private async refresh (q: Query): Promise<void> {
q.result = this.client.findAll(q._class, q.query, q.options)
q.result = await q.result
// Check if query is partially matched.
private matchQuery (q: Query, tx: TxUpdateDoc<Doc>): boolean {
if (!this.client.getHierarchy().isDerived(tx.objectClass, q._class)) {
return false
for (const key in q.query) {
const value = (q.query as any)[key]
const res = findProperty([tx.operations as unknown as Doc], key, value)
if (res.length === 1) {
return true
return false
private async getLookupValue<T extends Doc>(doc: T, lookup: Lookup<T>, result: LookupData<T>): Promise<void> {
for (const key in lookup) {
if (key === '_id') {
await this.getReverseLookupValue(doc, lookup, result)
const value = (lookup as any)[key]
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
const [_class, nested] = value
const objects = await this.findAll(_class, { _id: (doc as any)[key] })
;(result as any)[key] = objects[0]
const nestedResult = {}
const parent = (result as any)[key]
await this.getLookupValue(parent, nested, nestedResult)
Object.assign(parent, {
$lookup: nestedResult
} else {
const objects = await this.findAll(value, { _id: (doc as any)[key] })
;(result as any)[key] = objects[0]
private async getReverseLookupValue<T extends Doc>(
doc: T,
lookup: ReverseLookups,
result: LookupData<T>
): Promise<void> {
for (const key in lookup._id) {
const value = lookup._id[key]
let _class: Ref<Class<Doc>>
let attr = 'attachedTo'
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
_class = value[0]
attr = value[1]
} else {
_class = value
const objects = await this.findAll(_class, { [attr]: doc._id })
;(result as any)[key] = objects
private async lookup<T extends Doc>(doc: T, lookup: Lookup<T>): Promise<void> {
const result: LookupData<Doc> = {}
await this.getLookupValue(doc, lookup, result)
;(doc as WithLookup<Doc>).$lookup = result
protected async txCreateDoc (tx: TxCreateDoc<Doc>): Promise<TxResult> {
const docTx = TxProcessor.createDoc2Doc(tx)
for (const q of this.queries) {
const doc = this.client.getHierarchy().isDerived(q._class, core.class.Tx) ? tx : docTx
await this.handleDocAdd(q, doc)
return {}
private async handleDocAdd (q: Query, doc: Doc): Promise<void> {
if (this.match(q, doc)) {
if (q.result instanceof Promise) {
q.result = await q.result
if (q.options?.lookup !== undefined) {
await this.lookup(doc, q.options.lookup)
// We could already have document inside results, if query is created during processing of document create transaction and not yet handled on client.
const pos = q.result.findIndex((p) => p._id === doc._id)
if (pos >= 0) {
// No need to update, document already in results.
// If query contains search we must check use fulltext
if (q.query.$search != null && q.query.$search.length > 0) {
const match = await this.findOne(q._class, { $search: q.query.$search, _id: doc._id }, q.options)
if (match === undefined) return
if (q.options?.sort !== undefined) {
resultSort(q.result, q.options?.sort)
if (q.options?.limit !== undefined && q.result.length > q.options.limit) {
if (q.result.pop()?._id !== doc._id) {
} else {
await this.handleDocAddLookup(q, doc)
private async handleDocAddLookup (q: Query, doc: Doc): Promise<void> {
if (q.options?.lookup === undefined) return
const lookup = q.options.lookup
if (q.result instanceof Promise) {
q.result = await q.result
let needCallback = false
needCallback = this.proccesLookupAddDoc(q.result, lookup, doc)
if (needCallback) {
if (q.options?.sort !== undefined) {
resultSort(q.result, q.options?.sort)
private proccesLookupAddDoc (docs: Doc[], lookup: Lookup<Doc>, doc: Doc): boolean {
let needCallback = false
const lookupWays = this.getLookupWays(lookup, doc._class)
for (const lookupWay of lookupWays) {
const [objWay, key] = lookupWay
for (const resDoc of docs) {
const obj = getObjectValue(objWay, resDoc)
if (obj === undefined) continue
const value = getObjectValue('$lookup.' + key, obj)
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
if (this.client.getHierarchy().isDerived(doc._class, core.class.AttachedDoc)) {
if ((doc as AttachedDoc).attachedTo === obj._id) {
needCallback = true
} else {
if (obj[key] === doc._id) {
obj.$lookup[key] = doc
needCallback = true
return needCallback
protected async txRemoveDoc (tx: TxRemoveDoc<Doc>): Promise<TxResult> {
for (const q of this.queries) {
if (this.client.getHierarchy().isDerived(q._class, core.class.Tx)) {
// handle add since Txes are immutable
await this.handleDocAdd(q, tx)
await this.handleDocRemove(q, tx)
return {}
private async handleDocRemove (q: Query, tx: TxRemoveDoc<Doc>): Promise<void> {
if (q.result instanceof Promise) {
q.result = await q.result
if (
q.options?.limit !== undefined &&
q.options.limit === q.result.length &&
this.client.getHierarchy().isDerived(q._class, tx.objectClass)
) {
return await this.refresh(q)
const index = q.result.findIndex((p) => p._id === tx.objectId)
if (index > -1) {
q.result.splice(index, 1)
await this.handleDocRemoveLookup(q, tx)
private async handleDocRemoveLookup (q: Query, tx: TxRemoveDoc<Doc>): Promise<void> {
if (q.options?.lookup === undefined) return
let needCallback = false
const lookupWays = this.getLookupWays(q.options.lookup, tx.objectClass)
if (lookupWays.length === 0) return
if (q.result instanceof Promise) {
q.result = await q.result
for (const lookupWay of lookupWays) {
const [objWay, key] = lookupWay
const docs = q.result
for (const doc of docs) {
const obj = getObjectValue(objWay, doc)
if (obj === undefined) continue
const value = getObjectValue('$lookup.' + key, obj)
if (value === undefined) continue
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
const index = value.findIndex((p) => p._id === tx.objectId)
if (index !== -1) {
value.splice(index, 1)
needCallback = true
} else {
if (value._id === tx.objectId) {
obj.$lookup[key] = undefined
needCallback = true
if (needCallback) {
if (q.options?.sort !== undefined) {
resultSort(q.result, q.options?.sort)
private getLookupWays (lookup: Lookup<Doc>, _class: Ref<Class<Doc>>, parent: string = ''): [string, string][] {
const result: [string, string][] = []
const hierarchy = this.client.getHierarchy()
if (lookup._id !== undefined) {
for (const key in lookup._id) {
const value = (lookup._id as any)[key]
const clazz = hierarchy.isMixin(value) ? hierarchy.getBaseClass(value) : value
if (hierarchy.isDerived(_class, clazz)) {
result.push([parent, key])
for (const key in lookup) {
if (key === '_id') continue
const value = (lookup as any)[key]
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
const clazz = hierarchy.isMixin(value[0]) ? hierarchy.getBaseClass(value[0]) : value[0]
if (hierarchy.isDerived(_class, clazz)) {
result.push([parent, key])
const lookupKey = '$lookup.' + key
const newParent = parent.length > 0 ? parent + '.' + lookupKey : lookupKey
const nested = this.getLookupWays(value[1], _class, newParent)
if (nested.length > 0) {
} else {
const clazz = hierarchy.isMixin(value) ? hierarchy.getBaseClass(value) : value
if (hierarchy.isDerived(_class, clazz)) {
result.push([parent, key])
return result
protected override async txBulkWrite (tx: TxBulkWrite): Promise<TxResult> {
return await super.txBulkWrite(tx)
async tx (tx: Tx): Promise<TxResult> {
return await super.tx(tx)
private async __updateDoc (q: Query, updatedDoc: WithLookup<Doc>, tx: TxUpdateDoc<Doc>): Promise<void> {
TxProcessor.updateDoc2Doc(updatedDoc, tx)
const ops = tx.operations as any
for (const key in ops) {
if (!key.startsWith('$')) {
if (q.options !== undefined) {
const lookup = (q.options.lookup as any)?.[key]
if (lookup !== undefined) {
;(updatedDoc.$lookup as any)[key] = await this.client.findOne(lookup, { _id: ops[key] })
private sort (q: Query, tx: TxUpdateDoc<Doc>): void {
const sort = q.options?.sort
if (sort === undefined) return
let needSort = sort.modifiedBy !== undefined || sort.modifiedOn !== undefined
if (!needSort) needSort = this.checkNeedSort(sort, tx)
if (needSort) resultSort(q.result as Doc[], sort)
private checkNeedSort (sort: SortingQuery<Doc>, tx: TxUpdateDoc<Doc>): boolean {
const ops = tx.operations as any
for (const key in ops) {
if (key.startsWith('$')) {
for (const opKey in ops[key]) {
if (opKey in sort) return true
} else {
if (key in sort) return true
return false
private async callback (updatedDoc: Doc, q: Query): Promise<void> {
q.result = q.result as Doc[]
if (q.options?.limit !== undefined && q.result.length > q.options.limit) {
if (q.result[q.options?.limit]._id === updatedDoc._id) {
return await this.refresh(q)
if (q.result.pop()?._id !== updatedDoc._id) q.callback(q.result)
} else {