
531 lines
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Raw Normal View History

// Copyright © 2022 Hardcore Engineering Inc.
// Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may
// obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import {
} from '@hcengineering/core'
import type { Asset, IntlString, Plugin, Resource } from '@hcengineering/platform'
import { plugin } from '@hcengineering/platform'
import { IntegrationType } from '@hcengineering/setting'
import { AnyComponent, Location, ResolvedLocation } from '@hcengineering/ui'
import { Readable, Writable } from './types'
import { Preference } from '@hcengineering/preference'
import { Action } from '@hcengineering/view'
export * from './types'
* @public
export interface Notification extends AttachedDoc {
tx: Ref<TxCUD<Doc>>
status: NotificationStatus
text: string
type: Ref<NotificationType>
* @public
export enum NotificationStatus {
* @public
export interface NotificationGroup extends Doc {
label: IntlString
icon: Asset
// using for autogenerated settings
objectClass?: Ref<Class<Doc>>
* @public
export interface NotificationPreferencesGroup extends Doc {
label: IntlString
icon: Asset
presenter: AnyComponent
* @public
export interface NotificationTemplate {
textTemplate: string
htmlTemplate: string
subjectTemplate: string
* @public
export interface NotificationContent {
title: IntlString
body: IntlString
intlParams: Record<string, string | number>
intlParamsNotLocalized?: Record<string, IntlString>
* @public
export interface NotificationType extends Doc {
// For show/hide with attributes
attribute?: Ref<AnyAttribute>
// Is autogenerated
generated: boolean
// allowed to to change setting (probably we should show it, but disable toggle??)
hidden: boolean
label: IntlString
group: Ref<NotificationGroup>
txClasses: Ref<Class<Tx>>[]
objectClass: Ref<Class<Doc>>
// not allowed to parent doc
onlyOwn?: boolean
// check parent doc class
attachedToClass?: Ref<Class<Doc>>
// use for update/mixin txes
field?: string
txMatch?: DocumentQuery<Tx>
// use for space collaborators, not object
spaceSubscribe?: boolean
// allowed providers and default value for it
providers: Record<Ref<NotificationProvider>, boolean>
// templates for email (and browser/push?)
templates?: NotificationTemplate
// when true notification will be created for user which trigger it (default - false)
allowedForAuthor?: boolean
* @public
export interface NotificationProvider extends Doc {
label: IntlString
* @public
export interface NotificationSetting extends Preference {
attachedTo: Ref<NotificationProvider>
type: Ref<NotificationType>
enabled: boolean
* @public
export interface ClassCollaborators extends Class<Doc> {
fields: string[] // Ref<Account> | Ref<Employee> | Ref<Account>[] | Ref<Employee>[]
* @public
export interface NotificationObjectPresenter extends Class<Doc> {
presenter: AnyComponent
* @public
export interface Collaborators extends Doc {
collaborators: Ref<Account>[]
* @public
export interface DocUpdateTx {
_id: Ref<TxCUD<Doc>>
modifiedBy: Ref<Account>
modifiedOn: Timestamp
isNew: boolean
title?: IntlString
body?: IntlString
intlParams?: Record<string, string | number>
intlParamsNotLocalized?: Record<string, IntlString>
* @public
export interface DocUpdates extends Doc {
user: Ref<Account>
attachedTo: Ref<Doc>
attachedToClass: Ref<Class<Doc>>
hidden: boolean
lastTxTime?: Timestamp
txes: DocUpdateTx[]
* @public
export const notificationId = 'notification' as Plugin
* @public
export const inboxId = 'inbox' as Plugin
* @public
export interface NotificationClient {
docUpdatesStore: Writable<Map<Ref<Doc>, DocUpdates>>
docUpdates: Writable<DocUpdates[]>
read: (_id: Ref<Doc>) => Promise<void>
forceRead: (_id: Ref<Doc>, _class: Ref<Class<Doc>>, space: Ref<Space>) => Promise<void>
* @public
export interface NotificationPreview extends Class<Doc> {
presenter: AnyComponent
* @public
export type NotificationClientFactoy = () => NotificationClient
* @public
export interface ActivityMessage extends AttachedDoc {
modifiedBy: Ref<Account>
modifiedOn: Timestamp
isPinned?: boolean
reactions?: number
export type DisplayActivityMessage = DisplayDocUpdateMessage | ChatMessage
export interface DisplayDocUpdateMessage extends DocUpdateMessage {
previousMessages?: DocUpdateMessage[]
combinedMessagesIds?: Ref<DocUpdateMessage>[]
export type ActivityMessageExtensionKind = 'action' | 'footer'
* @public
export interface ActivityMessageExtension extends Doc {
ofMessage: Ref<Class<ActivityMessage>>
components: { kind: ActivityMessageExtensionKind, component: AnyComponent }[]
* @public
export interface DocUpdateMessage extends ActivityMessage {
objectId: Ref<Doc>
objectClass: Ref<Class<Doc>>
txId: Ref<TxCUD<Doc>>
action: DocUpdateAction
updateCollection?: string
attributeUpdates?: DocAttributeUpdates
* @public
export interface DocAttributeUpdates {
attrKey: string
attrClass: Ref<Class<Doc>>
set: (string | number | null)[]
prevValue?: any // Need for description diff
added: (string | number | null)[]
removed: (string | number | null)[]
isMixin: boolean
export type DocUpdateAction = 'create' | 'update' | 'remove'
* @public
export interface ChatMessage extends ActivityMessage {
message: string
attachments?: number
isEdited?: boolean
* @public
export interface InboxNotification extends Doc {
user: Ref<Account>
isViewed: boolean
attachedTo: Ref<ActivityMessage>
attachedToClass: Ref<Class<ActivityMessage>>
docNotifyContext: Ref<DocNotifyContext>
* @public
export interface DocNotifyContext extends Doc {
user: Ref<Account>
// Context
attachedTo: Ref<Doc>
attachedToClass: Ref<Class<Doc>>
hidden: boolean
lastViewedTimestamp?: Timestamp
lastUpdateTimestamp?: Timestamp
* @public
export interface InboxNotificationsClient {
docNotifyContextByDoc: Writable<Map<Ref<Doc>, DocNotifyContext>>
docNotifyContexts: Writable<DocNotifyContext[]>
inboxNotifications: Writable<InboxNotification[]>
inboxNotificationsByContext: Readable<Map<DocNotifyContext, InboxNotification[]>>
readDoc: (_id: Ref<Doc>) => Promise<void>
readMessages: (ids: Ref<ActivityMessage>[]) => Promise<void>
unreadMessages: (ids: Array<Ref<ActivityMessage>>) => Promise<void>
deleteMessagesNotifications: (ids: Array<Ref<ActivityMessage>>) => Promise<void>
export type DocUpdateMessageViewletAttributesConfig = Record<
presenter?: AnyComponent
icon?: Asset
iconPresenter?: AnyComponent
* @public
export interface DocUpdateMessageViewlet extends Doc {
objectClass: Ref<Class<Doc>>
action: DocUpdateAction
valueAttr?: string
label?: IntlString
labelComponent?: AnyComponent
icon?: Asset
component?: AnyComponent
config?: DocUpdateMessageViewletAttributesConfig
hideIfRemoved?: boolean
onlyWithParent?: boolean
* @public
export interface ChatMessageViewlet extends Doc {
objectClass: Ref<Class<Doc>>
label?: IntlString
hidden?: boolean
onlyWithParent?: boolean
* @public
export interface ActivityMessagesFilter extends Doc {
label: IntlString
filter: Resource<(message: ActivityMessage, _class?: Ref<Doc>) => boolean>
* @public
export interface ActivityDoc extends Class<Doc> {
ignoreCollections?: string[]
* @public
export type InboxNotificationsClientFactory = () => InboxNotificationsClient
* @public
export interface NotificationObjectPreposition extends Class<Doc> {
preposition: IntlString
* @public
export interface NotificationAttributePresenter extends Class<Doc> {
presenter: AnyComponent
* @public
const notification = plugin(notificationId, {
mixin: {
ClassCollaborators: '' as Ref<Mixin<ClassCollaborators>>,
Collaborators: '' as Ref<Mixin<Collaborators>>,
NotificationObjectPresenter: '' as Ref<Mixin<NotificationObjectPresenter>>,
NotificationPreview: '' as Ref<Mixin<NotificationPreview>>,
ActivityDoc: '' as Ref<Mixin<ActivityDoc>>,
NotificationObjectPreposition: '' as Ref<Mixin<NotificationObjectPreposition>>,
NotificationAttributePresenter: '' as Ref<Mixin<NotificationAttributePresenter>>
class: {
Notification: '' as Ref<Class<Notification>>,
NotificationType: '' as Ref<Class<NotificationType>>,
NotificationProvider: '' as Ref<Class<NotificationProvider>>,
NotificationSetting: '' as Ref<Class<NotificationSetting>>,
DocUpdates: '' as Ref<Class<DocUpdates>>,
NotificationGroup: '' as Ref<Class<NotificationGroup>>,
NotificationPreferencesGroup: '' as Ref<Class<NotificationPreferencesGroup>>,
DocNotifyContext: '' as Ref<Class<DocNotifyContext>>,
DocUpdateMessage: '' as Ref<Class<DocUpdateMessage>>,
ChatMessage: '' as Ref<Class<ChatMessage>>,
ActivityMessage: '' as Ref<Class<ActivityMessage>>,
InboxNotification: '' as Ref<Class<InboxNotification>>,
DocUpdateMessageViewlet: '' as Ref<Class<DocUpdateMessageViewlet>>,
ChatMessageViewlet: '' as Ref<Class<ChatMessageViewlet>>,
ActivityMessageExtension: '' as Ref<Class<ActivityMessageExtension>>,
ActivityMessagesFilter: '' as Ref<Class<ActivityMessagesFilter>>
ids: {
NotificationSettings: '' as Ref<Doc>,
NotificationGroup: '' as Ref<NotificationGroup>,
CollaboratoAddNotification: '' as Ref<NotificationType>
providers: {
PlatformNotification: '' as Ref<NotificationProvider>,
BrowserNotification: '' as Ref<NotificationProvider>,
EmailNotification: '' as Ref<NotificationProvider>
integrationType: {
MobileApp: '' as Ref<IntegrationType>
component: {
Inbox: '' as AnyComponent,
NewInbox: '' as AnyComponent,
NotificationPresenter: '' as AnyComponent,
ActivityMessagePresenter: '' as AnyComponent,
ChatMessageInput: '' as AnyComponent,
NotificationCollaboratorsChanged: '' as AnyComponent,
ChatMessagesPresenter: '' as AnyComponent
activity: {
TxCollaboratorsChange: '' as AnyComponent
action: {
MarkAsUnreadInboxNotification: '' as Ref<Action>,
MarkAsReadInboxNotification: '' as Ref<Action>,
DeleteInboxNotification: '' as Ref<Action>,
DeleteChatMessage: '' as Ref<Action>
icon: {
Notifications: '' as Asset,
Inbox: '' as Asset,
Track: '' as Asset,
DontTrack: '' as Asset,
Hide: '' as Asset,
Activity: '' as Asset,
Emoji: '' as Asset,
Thread: '' as Asset
space: {
Notifications: '' as Ref<Space>
string: {
Notification: '' as IntlString,
Notifications: '' as IntlString,
DontTrack: '' as IntlString,
Inbox: '' as IntlString,
CommonNotificationTitle: '' as IntlString,
CommonNotificationBody: '' as IntlString,
Created: '' as IntlString,
Changed: '' as IntlString,
To: '' as IntlString,
Unset: '' as IntlString,
Set: '' as IntlString,
Updated: '' as IntlString,
UpdatedCollection: '' as IntlString,
Added: '' as IntlString,
Removed: '' as IntlString,
From: '' as IntlString,
Attributes: '' as IntlString,
In: '' as IntlString,
New: '' as IntlString,
For: '' as IntlString,
Edit: '' as IntlString,
Update: '' as IntlString,
Edited: '' as IntlString,
ChangedCollaborators: '' as IntlString,
NewCollaborators: '' as IntlString,
RemovedCollaborators: '' as IntlString,
Comments: '' as IntlString,
NewestFirst: '' as IntlString,
LeftComment: '' as IntlString,
Pinned: '' as IntlString
function: {
GetNotificationClient: '' as Resource<NotificationClientFactoy>,
GetInboxNotificationsClient: '' as Resource<InboxNotificationsClientFactory>,
CombineActivityMessages: '' as Resource<
(messages: ActivityMessage[], order: SortingOrder) => DisplayActivityMessage[]
SortActivityMessages: '' as Resource<(messages: ActivityMessage[], order: SortingOrder) => ActivityMessage[]>
resolver: {
Location: '' as Resource<(loc: Location) => Promise<ResolvedLocation | undefined>>
filter: {
AttributesFilter: '' as Resource<(message: ActivityMessage, _class?: Ref<Doc>) => boolean>,
ChatMessagesFilter: '' as Resource<(message: ActivityMessage, _class?: Ref<Doc>) => boolean>,
PinnedFilter: '' as Resource<(message: ActivityMessage, _class?: Ref<Doc>) => boolean>
export default notification