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// Copyright © 2023 Hardcore Engineering Inc.
// Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may
// obtain a copy of the License at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import core, {
type AttachedDoc,
type Attribute,
type Class,
type Client,
type Collection,
type Doc,
type Hierarchy,
type Ref,
type TxCollectionCUD,
type TxCreateDoc,
type TxCUD,
type TxMixin,
type TxUpdateDoc,
type WithLookup
} from '@hcengineering/core'
import notification, {
type ActivityMessage,
type ChatMessage,
type DisplayActivityMessage,
type DisplayDocUpdateMessage,
type DocAttributeUpdates,
type DocNotifyContext,
type DocUpdateMessage,
type InboxNotification
} from '@hcengineering/notification'
import view, { type AttributeModel } from '@hcengineering/view'
import { getClient, getFiltredKeys } from '@hcengineering/presentation'
import { getAttributePresenter, getDocLinkTitle } from '@hcengineering/view-resources'
import { type Person } from '@hcengineering/contact'
import { type IntlString } from '@hcengineering/platform'
import { type AnyComponent } from '@hcengineering/ui'
import { get } from 'svelte/store'
import { personAccountByIdStore } from '@hcengineering/contact-resources'
// Use 5 minutes to combine similar messages
const combineThresholdMs = 5 * 60 * 1000
// Use 10 seconds to combine update messages after creation.
const createCombineThreshold = 10 * 1000
const valueTypes: ReadonlyArray<Ref<Class<Doc>>> = [
async function buildRemovedDoc (client: Client, objectId: Ref<Doc>, _class: Ref<Class<Doc>>): Promise<Doc | undefined> {
const isAttached = client.getHierarchy().isDerived(_class, core.class.AttachedDoc)
const txes = await client.findAll<TxCUD<Doc>>(
isAttached ? core.class.TxCollectionCUD : core.class.TxCUD,
? { 'tx.objectId': objectId as Ref<AttachedDoc> }
: {
{ sort: { modifiedOn: 1 } }
const createTx = isAttached
? txes.map((tx) => (tx as TxCollectionCUD<Doc, AttachedDoc>).tx).find((tx) => tx._class === core.class.TxCreateDoc)
: txes.find((tx) => tx._class === core.class.TxCreateDoc)
if (createTx === undefined) return
let doc = TxProcessor.createDoc2Doc(createTx as TxCreateDoc<Doc>)
for (let tx of txes) {
tx = TxProcessor.extractTx(tx) as TxCUD<Doc>
if (tx._class === core.class.TxUpdateDoc) {
doc = TxProcessor.updateDoc2Doc(doc, tx as TxUpdateDoc<Doc>)
} else if (tx._class === core.class.TxMixin) {
const mixinTx = tx as TxMixin<Doc, Doc>
doc = TxProcessor.updateMixin4Doc(doc, mixinTx)
return doc
export async function getAttributeValues (client: Client, values: any[], attrClass: Ref<Class<Doc>>): Promise<any[]> {
if (values.some((value) => typeof value !== 'string')) {
return values
if (valueTypes.includes(attrClass)) {
return values
const docs = await client.findAll(attrClass, { _id: { $in: values } })
const docIds = docs.map(({ _id }) => _id)
const missedIds = values.filter((value) => !docIds.includes(value))
const removedDocs = await Promise.all(missedIds.map(async (value) => await buildRemovedDoc(client, value, attrClass)))
return [...docs, ...removedDocs].filter((doc) => !(doc == null))
export function getCollectionAttribute (
hierarchy: Hierarchy,
objectClass: Ref<Class<Doc>>,
collection?: string
): Attribute<Collection<AttachedDoc>> | undefined {
if (collection === undefined) {
return undefined
const descendants = hierarchy.getDescendants(objectClass)
for (const descendant of descendants) {
const collectionAttribute = hierarchy.findAttribute(descendant, collection)
if (collectionAttribute !== undefined) {
return collectionAttribute
return undefined
export async function getNotificationObject (
client: Client,
objectId: Ref<Doc>,
objectClass: Ref<Class<Doc>>
): Promise<{ isRemoved: boolean, object?: Doc }> {
const object = await client.findOne(objectClass, { _id: objectId })
if (object !== undefined) {
return { isRemoved: false, object }
return {
isRemoved: true,
object: await buildRemovedDoc(client, objectId, objectClass)
export async function getAttributeModel (
client: Client,
attributeUpdates: DocAttributeUpdates | undefined,
objectClass: Ref<Class<Doc>>
): Promise<AttributeModel | undefined> {
if (attributeUpdates === undefined) {
return undefined
const hierarchy = client.getHierarchy()
try {
const { attrKey, attrClass, isMixin } = attributeUpdates
let attrObjectClass = objectClass
if (isMixin) {
const keyedAttribute = getFiltredKeys(hierarchy, attrClass, []).find(({ key }) => key === attrKey)
if (keyedAttribute === undefined) {
return undefined
attrObjectClass = keyedAttribute.attr.attributeOf
return await getAttributePresenter(
{ key: attrKey },
} catch (e) {
// ignore error
function activityMessagesComparator (message1: ActivityMessage, message2: ActivityMessage): number {
const time1 = getMessageTime(message1)
const time2 = getMessageTime(message2)
return time1 - time2
export function getDisplayActivityMessagesByNotifications (
inboxNotifications: Array<WithLookup<InboxNotification>>,
docNotifyContextById: Map<Ref<DocNotifyContext>, DocNotifyContext>,
filter: 'all' | 'read' | 'unread',
objectClass?: Ref<Class<Doc>>
): DisplayActivityMessage[] {
const messages = inboxNotifications
.filter(({ docNotifyContext, isViewed }) => {
const update = docNotifyContextById.get(docNotifyContext)
const isVisible = update !== undefined && !update.hidden
if (!isVisible) {
return false
switch (filter) {
case 'unread':
return !isViewed
case 'all':
return true
case 'read':
return !!isViewed
return false
.map(({ $lookup }) => $lookup?.attachedTo)
.filter((message): message is ActivityMessage => {
if (message === undefined) {
return false
if (objectClass === undefined) {
return true
if (message._class === notification.class.ChatMessage) {
return false
return (message as DocUpdateMessage).objectClass === objectClass
return combineActivityMessages(messages, SortingOrder.Descending)
function getMessageTime (message: ActivityMessage): number {
return message.createdOn ?? message.modifiedOn
function combineByCreateThreshold (docUpdateMessages: DocUpdateMessage[]): DocUpdateMessage[] {
const createMessages = docUpdateMessages.filter(
({ action, attachedTo, objectId }) => action === 'create' && attachedTo === objectId
return docUpdateMessages.filter((message) => {
const { _id, attachedTo } = message
const createMsg = createMessages.find((create) => create.attachedTo === attachedTo)
if (createMsg === undefined) {
return true
if (createMsg._id === _id) {
return true
const diff = getMessageTime(message) - getMessageTime(createMsg)
return diff > createCombineThreshold
export function combineActivityMessages (
messages: ActivityMessage[],
sortingOrder: SortingOrder = SortingOrder.Ascending
): DisplayActivityMessage[] {
const chatMessages = messages.filter(
(message): message is ChatMessage => message._class === notification.class.ChatMessage
const docUpdateMessages = combineByCreateThreshold(
messages.filter((message): message is DocUpdateMessage => message._class === notification.class.DocUpdateMessage)
const result: DisplayActivityMessage[] = [...chatMessages]
const groupedByType: Map<string, DocUpdateMessage[]> = groupByArray(docUpdateMessages, getDocUpdateMessageKey)
for (const [, groupedMessages] of groupedByType) {
const cantMerge = groupedMessages.filter(
(message, index) => index !== groupedMessages.length - 1 && !canCombineMessage(message)
const cantMergeIds = new Set(cantMerge.map(({ _id }) => _id))
const canMerge = groupedMessages.filter(({ _id }) => !cantMergeIds.has(_id))
const forMerge = groupByTime(canMerge)
forMerge.forEach((messagesForMerge) => {
const mergedNotification = mergeDocUpdateMessages(messagesForMerge)
if (mergedNotification !== undefined) {
return sortActivityMessages(result, sortingOrder)
export function sortActivityMessages<T extends ActivityMessage> (messages: T[], order: SortingOrder): T[] {
return messages.sort((message1, message2) =>
order === SortingOrder.Ascending
? activityMessagesComparator(message1, message2)
: activityMessagesComparator(message2, message1)
function canCombineMessage (message: ActivityMessage): boolean {
const hasReactions = message.reactions !== undefined && message.reactions > 0
const isPinned = message.isPinned === true
return !hasReactions && !isPinned
function groupByTime<T extends ActivityMessage> (messages: T[]): T[][] {
const result: T[][] = []
for (const message1 of messages) {
if (result.some((forMerge) => forMerge.includes(message1))) {
const forMerge: T[] = [message1]
for (const message2 of messages) {
if (message1._id === message2._id) {
const timeDiff = (message2.createdOn ?? message2.modifiedOn) - (message1.createdOn ?? message1.modifiedOn)
if (timeDiff >= 0 && timeDiff < combineThresholdMs) {
return result
function getDocUpdateMessageKey (message: DocUpdateMessage): string {
const personAccountById = get(personAccountByIdStore)
const person = personAccountById.get(message.modifiedBy as any)?.person ?? message.modifiedBy
if (message.action === 'update') {
return [message._class, message.attachedTo, message.action, person, getAttributeUpdatesKey(message)].join('_')
return [
message.objectId === message.attachedTo
function mergeDocUpdateAttributes (messages: DocUpdateMessage[]): DisplayDocUpdateMessage | undefined {
const firstMessage = messages[0]
const lastMessage = messages[messages.length - 1]
let mergedAttributeUpdates = firstMessage.attributeUpdates
messages.forEach((message) => {
if (message._id !== firstMessage._id && message.attributeUpdates !== undefined) {
mergedAttributeUpdates = mergeAttributeUpdates(message.attributeUpdates, mergedAttributeUpdates)
if (mergedAttributeUpdates === undefined) {
return undefined
const hasChanges =
mergedAttributeUpdates.set.length > 0 ||
mergedAttributeUpdates.added.length > 0 ||
mergedAttributeUpdates.removed.length > 0
if (!hasChanges) {
return undefined
return {
attributeUpdates: mergedAttributeUpdates,
combinedMessagesIds: messages.map(({ _id }) => _id)
function mergeDocUpdateMessages (messages: DocUpdateMessage[]): DisplayDocUpdateMessage | undefined {
if (messages.length === 0) {
return undefined
if (messages[0].action === 'update') {
return mergeDocUpdateAttributes(messages)
if (messages.length === 1) {
return messages[0]
const removeMessages = messages.filter(({ action }) => action === 'remove')
const createMessages = messages.filter(({ action }) => action === 'create')
const removedObjectIds = removeMessages.map(({ objectId }) => objectId)
const createdObjectIds = createMessages.map(({ objectId }) => objectId)
const forMerge = [
...createMessages.filter(({ objectId }) => !removedObjectIds.includes(objectId)),
...removeMessages.filter(({ objectId }) => !createdObjectIds.includes(objectId))
if (forMerge.length === 0) {
return undefined
return {
...forMerge[forMerge.length - 1],
previousMessages: forMerge.slice(0, -1),
combinedMessagesIds: messages.map(({ _id }) => _id)
function mergeAttributeUpdates (
attributeUpdates: DocAttributeUpdates,
prevAttributeUpdates?: DocAttributeUpdates
): DocAttributeUpdates {
if (prevAttributeUpdates === undefined) {
return attributeUpdates
if (attributeUpdates.attrKey !== prevAttributeUpdates.attrKey) {
return attributeUpdates
const added = attributeUpdates.added
.filter((item) => !prevAttributeUpdates.removed.includes(item))
.concat(prevAttributeUpdates.added.filter((item) => !attributeUpdates.removed.includes(item)))
const removed = attributeUpdates.removed
.filter((item) => !prevAttributeUpdates.added.includes(item))
.concat(prevAttributeUpdates.removed.filter((item) => !attributeUpdates.added.includes(item)))
const { prevValue } = prevAttributeUpdates
const { set, attrClass, attrKey, isMixin } = attributeUpdates
return {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/strict-boolean-expressions
set: prevValue ? set.filter((value) => value !== prevValue) : set,
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/strict-boolean-expressions
added: prevValue ? added.filter((value) => value !== prevValue) : added,
function getAttributeUpdatesKey (message: DocUpdateMessage): string {
if (message.attributeUpdates === undefined) {
return ''
const { attrKey, attrClass, isMixin } = message.attributeUpdates
return [attrKey, attrClass, isMixin].join('-')
export function attributesFilter (message: ActivityMessage, _class?: Ref<Doc>): boolean {
if (message._class === notification.class.DocUpdateMessage) {
return (message as DocUpdateMessage).objectClass === _class
return false
export function chatMessagesFilter (message: ActivityMessage): boolean {
return message._class === notification.class.ChatMessage
export function pinnedFilter (message: ActivityMessage, _class?: Ref<Doc>): boolean {
return message.isPinned === true
export interface LinkData {
title?: string
preposition: IntlString
panelComponent: AnyComponent
object: Doc
export async function getLinkData (
message: DisplayActivityMessage,
object: Doc | undefined,
parentObject: Doc | undefined,
person: Person | undefined
): Promise<LinkData | undefined> {
const client = getClient()
const hierarchy = client.getHierarchy()
let linkObject: Doc | undefined
if (hierarchy.isDerived(message.attachedToClass, notification.class.ActivityMessage)) {
linkObject = parentObject
} else if (message._class === notification.class.DocUpdateMessage) {
linkObject = (message as DocUpdateMessage).action === 'update' ? object : parentObject ?? object
} else {
linkObject = parentObject ?? object
if (linkObject === undefined) {
return undefined
if (person !== undefined && person._id === linkObject._id) {
return undefined
const title = await getDocLinkTitle(client, linkObject._id, linkObject._class, linkObject)
const preposition = hierarchy.classHierarchyMixin(linkObject._class, notification.mixin.NotificationObjectPreposition)
const panelComponent = hierarchy.classHierarchyMixin(linkObject._class, view.mixin.ObjectPanel)
return {
preposition: preposition ?? notification.string.In,
panelComponent: panelComponent?.component ?? view.component.EditDoc,
object: linkObject