905 lines
39 KiB
905 lines
39 KiB
#pragma once
#include "PacketDissection/MbufContainer.hpp"
#include "PacketDissection/MbufContainerReceiving.hpp"
#include "PacketDissection/MbufContainerTransmitting.hpp"
#include "PacketDissection/PacketContainer.hpp"
#include "PacketDissection/PacketInfo.hpp"
#include "PacketDissection/PacketInfoIpv4Tcp.hpp"
#include "rand.hpp"
#include "xxh3.hpp"
#include "xxhash.hpp"
#include <boost/log/core.hpp>
#include <boost/log/trivial.hpp>
#include <list>
#include <sparsehash/dense_hash_map>
* @file Treatment.h
* @author Fabienne, Felix, Tim
* @brief This header file includes the class structure, structs and needed
* includes
* @version 0.1
* @date 2021-06-10
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2021
enum _flag_enum {
SYN = 0b00000010,
RST = 0b00000100,
FIN = 0b00000001,
ACK = 0b00010000,
FINACK = 0b00010001,
SYNACK = 0b00010010,
SYNFIN = 0b00000011
* @brief Data struct used as the key in the _densemap.
* This Data struct is used as the key in the densemap. The parameters uniquely
* identify each connection, and are therefore satisfying the requirements of
* being a key in the densemap.
* @param _extip Stores the IP Address of the external host
* @param _intip Stores the IP Address of the internal host
* @param _extport Stores the Port Address of the external host
* @param _intport Stores the Port Address of the internal host
class Data {
u_int32_t _extip;
u_int32_t _intip;
u_int16_t _extport;
u_int16_t _intport;
* @brief Construct a new Data object from scratch
: _extip(0)
, _intip(0)
, _extport(0)
, _intport(0) {}
* @brief Construct a new Data object
* @param _extip IP Address of external system
* @param _intip IP Address of internal system
* @param _extport Port of external system
* @param _intport Port of internal system
Data(u_int32_t _extip, u_int32_t _intip, u_int16_t _extport,
u_int16_t _intport)
: _extip(_extip)
, _intip(_intip)
, _extport(_extport)
, _intport(_intport) {}
* @brief Redefinition of operator==
* Needed in order to satisfy the external implementation of the used
* hashfunction in combination with googles densemap
* @param d1
* @return true
* @return false
bool operator==(const Data& d1) const {
return d1._extip == _extip && d1._intip == _intip &&
d1._intport == _intport && d1._extport == _extport;
* @brief Info Struct used to encode the _offset and wether a finack has been
* seen
* @param _offset Stores the difference between Sequence- and ACK-Numbers
* @param _finseen Stores if a fin has already been seen
* @param _pkt_inf Stores the PacketInfo for an ACK from connection
* establishment
class Info {
int _offset;
bool _finseen_to_inside;
bool _finseen_to_outside;
bool _ack_to_inside_expected;
bool _ack_to_outside_expected;
std::list<PacketInfoIpv4Tcp*> _pkt_inf_list;
* @brief Construct a new Info object from scratch
: _offset(0)
, _finseen_to_inside(false)
, _finseen_to_outside(false)
, _ack_to_inside_expected(false)
, _ack_to_outside_expected(false)
, _pkt_inf_list() {}
* @brief Construct a new Info object
* @param _offset Stores the difference between Sequence- and ACK-Numbers
* @param _finseen Stores if a fin has already been seen
* @param _pkt_inf Stores the PacketInfo for an ACK from connection
* establishment
Info(int offset, bool finseen_to_inside, bool finseen_to_outside,
bool ack_to_inside, bool ack_to_outside, PacketInfoIpv4Tcp* pkt_inf)
: _offset(offset)
, _finseen_to_inside(finseen_to_inside)
, _finseen_to_outside(finseen_to_outside)
, _ack_to_inside_expected(ack_to_inside)
, _ack_to_outside_expected(ack_to_outside) {
if (pkt_inf != nullptr) {
* @brief TreatmentHash manages the calculation of the hashvalue over a Data
* Struct and is used in the _densemap
class TreatmentHash {
* @brief Redefinition of the operator() used in the _densemap and _ackmap
* @param d Data Struct with encodings of internal and external IPs and
* ports, which uniquely identify a connection
* @return size_t Hashvalue used as the key in both _dense- and _ackmap
size_t operator()(const Data& d) const { // C++ call by reference
return XXH3_64bits_withSeed(
&d._extip, sizeof(d._extip),
&d._intip, sizeof(d._intip),
&d._extport, sizeof(d._extport),
XXH3_64bits(&d._intport, sizeof(d._intport)))));
* @brief Treatment class, containing all functionality of the Treatment.
* The Treatment itself provides an implementation of SYN-cookies, combined with
* the functionalities of a TCP-Proxy, in order to migitate SYN-Floods. Other
* attacks just as SYN-FIN, SYN-FIN-ACK or the UDP-Flood are already migitated
* in the analyzer, as the analyzer already contains all the information to do
* this. Thus function calls are reduced, ultimatively resulting in a better
* performance.
class Treatment {
* @brief Construct a new Treatment object
* On construction of a new Treatment object the _s_timestamp is set to its
* initial value, a random cookie_secret is calculated and the pointers to
* both PacketContainers are being stored in member variables.
* @param pkt_to_inside PacketContainer containing the packets with the
* destination being the secured network
* @param pkt_to_outside PacketContainer containing the packets with the
* destination being the internet
inline Treatment(MbufContainerTransmitting* pkt_send_to_outside,
MbufContainerTransmitting* pkt_send_to_inside,
u_int8_t syn_thresh)
: _cookie_secret(Rand::get_random_64bit_value())
, _packet_to_inside(pkt_send_to_inside)
, _packet_to_outside(pkt_send_to_outside)
, _syn_thresh(syn_thresh)
, _skip_syn(0) {
// disables logging
/* auto corehandle = boost::log::core::get();
corehandle->set_logging_enabled(false); */
// Densemap requires you to set an empty key, which is never used by
// legit connections Dense_hash_map requires you call set_empty_key()
_densemap.set_empty_key(Data(0, 0, 0, 0));
// immediately after constructing the hash_map, and before calling any
// other dense_hash_map method
_densemap.set_deleted_key(Data(0, 0, 1, 1));
// BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "|---Init of Treatment done. Created
// cookie_secret, " "_s_timestamp and inserted empty and deleted
// key---|";
* @brief Construct a new Treatment object for testing purposes, create a
* random cookie_secret and init the _s_timestamp
inline Treatment() {
_cookie_secret = 0;
_s_timestamp = 0;
* @brief This method checks if the packet to inside is suitable for
* treatment and treats it accordingly
* The function treat_packets_to_inside() works on two packetcontainers and
* iterates over all elements inside of them. If the packet is not yet
* deleted and if it is a TCPIPv4 packet, then treatment begins. Depending
* on the flag combinations in the TCPHeader further steps are being taken
* in order to fulfill the requirements, which are defined in the activity
* diagram "treat_packets()" as seen in the review document. treat_packets()
* involves adjustments of sequence and acknowledgement numbers, calculating
* and checking syn-cookies. Depending on internal rules packets can be
* forwarded, adjusted, stored and dropped on their way through the system.
inline bool treat_packets_to_inside(PacketInfoIpv4Tcp* _pkt_info) {
// BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info)<< "Size of densemap before to inside: " <<
// _densemap.size();
****Treatment of packets with direction towards the internal
// get packetInfo at current position
// check if packet has been deleted
// check wether packet is IPv4TCP
// get the flags of packet i as they will be needed a few times
u_int8_t _flags = _pkt_info->get_flags();
// SYN-ACK is set, simply forward the packet to the internal
// network and create an entry in the _densemap
if ((_flags & _flag_enum::SYNFIN) == _flag_enum::SYNFIN) {
} else if ((_flags & _flag_enum::SYNACK) ==
_flag_enum::SYNACK) { // check wether the syn and ack
// flag is set
// BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "|---Received SYN-ACK from
// outside---|";
// just simply forward the packet to the internal network
// also create entry in the _densemap, with _offset
// difference =
// 0
Data insert(_pkt_info->get_src_ip(), _pkt_info->get_dst_ip(),
_pkt_info->get_src_port(), _pkt_info->get_dst_port());
Info info(0, false, false, false, false, nullptr);
_densemap.insert(std::make_pair(insert, info));
// BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "|---Created new entry for
// connection: _extip " << _pkt_info->get_src_ip() << " _extport: "
// << _pkt_info->get_src_port()<< " _intip: " <<
// _pkt_info->get_dst_ip() << " _intport: " <<
// _pkt_info->get_dst_port() << "---|"; place packet in the sending
// container to inside
// SYN is set, generate cookie hash
else if ((_flags & _flag_enum::SYN) == _flag_enum::SYN) {
if (_skip_syn < _syn_thresh) {
} else { // SYN to INSIDE
// BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "|---Received SYN to inside---|";
// BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "|---Mbuf is: " <<
// _pkt_info->get_mbuf() << "---|";
/* use this part to calculate the syn-cookie, create a new
* packet and send it back to the same side it came from */
u_int32_t _cookie = calc_cookie_hash(
_s_timestamp, _pkt_info->get_src_ip(),
_pkt_info->get_dst_ip(), _pkt_info->get_src_port(),
// BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "|---Calculated cookie is: " <<
// _cookie << "---|";
_cookie = _cookie & 0xFFFFFF00; // got upper bits
u_int32_t _seqnum =
_cookie |
_s_timestamp; // got cookie + 8 bit _s_timestamp
// "|---Calculated cookie with timestamp
// is: " << _seqnum << "---|";
// create the reply for the external connection/host
rte_mbuf* reply_mbuf = _packet_to_outside->get_empty_mbuf();
if (reply_mbuf == nullptr) {
return false;
rte_pktmbuf_append(reply_mbuf, sizeof(struct rte_ether_hdr) +
sizeof(struct rte_ipv4_hdr) +
sizeof(struct rte_tcp_hdr));
PacketInfoIpv4Tcp* reply = new PacketInfoIpv4Tcp(reply_mbuf);
// BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "|---The reply is of type: " <<
// reply->get_type() << "---|";
_pkt_info->get_dst_mac(), _pkt_info->get_src_mac(),
_pkt_info->get_dst_ip(), _pkt_info->get_src_ip(),
_pkt_info->get_dst_port(), _pkt_info->get_src_port(),
_seqnum, _pkt_info->get_seq_num() + 1, _flag_enum::SYNACK,
// BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "|---Created SYN-ACK with Cookie:
// " << reply->get_seq_num()<< "---|"; BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info)
// << " |---The new SYN-ACK goes with: extip: " <<
// reply->get_dst_ip()<< " extport: " << reply->get_dst_port()<<
// " intip: " << reply->get_src_ip() << " intport: " <<
// reply->get_src_port() << "---|"; delete/drop received
// BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "|---Dropped incoming packet---|";
// now packet is getting send out in the next burst cycle
delete reply;
_skip_syn = 0;
// Case: RST received from outside
else if ((_flags & _flag_enum::RST) == _flag_enum::RST) {
// BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "|---Received RST from outside,
// ""deleting entry in densemap---|"; erase entry in _densemap with
// key = hash(AliceIP, AlicePort, BobIP, BobPort) Send packet to
// inside with destIP = BobIP, destPort = BobPort, srcIP = AliceIP,
// srcPort = AlicePort erased entry in _densemap
Data(_pkt_info->get_src_ip(), _pkt_info->get_dst_ip(),
_pkt_info->get_src_port(), _pkt_info->get_dst_port()));
// Case: Received FIN, no FIN-ACK from outside
else if (((_flags & _flag_enum::FIN) == _flag_enum::FIN)) {
// BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "|---Received a FIN from outside---|";
// create Data fin for the packet
// find the entry in our map
auto iter = _densemap.find(
Data(_pkt_info->get_src_ip(), _pkt_info->get_dst_ip(),
_pkt_info->get_src_port(), _pkt_info->get_dst_port()));
// Catch case, that we dont interact on empty map
if (iter == _densemap.end()) {
// drop packet
// BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info)<< "|---Dropped Packet comming from
// outside---|";
// Check if fin has already been seen, and we do not have an
// finack
else if (iter->second._finseen_to_outside == true) {
// BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "|---FIN-ACK to FIN received from
// outside---|"; change the packets ack number tweak by adding
// into one line
iter->second._finseen_to_inside = true;
iter->second._ack_to_outside_expected = true;
_pkt_info->set_ack_num(_pkt_info->get_ack_num() -
// delete the entry
/* _densemap.erase(Data(
_pkt_info->get_src_ip(), _pkt_info->get_dst_ip(),
//BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Deleted entry in densemap";
// send packet to inside // aka. do nothing
} else if (iter->second._finseen_to_inside == false) {
// change status _finseen to true
iter->second._finseen_to_inside = true;
// change the packets ack number
_pkt_info->set_ack_num(_pkt_info->get_ack_num() -
// refresh the checksums
// BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "|---Changed Finseen to true for
// connection: ""extip: " << _pkt_info->get_src_ip()
//<< " extport: " << _pkt_info->get_src_port()
//<< " intip: " << _pkt_info->get_dst_ip()
//<< " intport: " << _pkt_info->get_dst_port() << "---|";
} else {
// BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "|---Duplicate FIN from
// Outside---|";
_pkt_info->set_ack_num(_pkt_info->get_ack_num() -
// refresh the checksums
// CASE: ACK RECEIVED from Alice
else if ((_flags & _flag_enum::ACK) == _flag_enum::ACK &&
((_flags & _flag_enum::FINACK) != _flag_enum::FINACK)) {
// BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "|---Received ACK from outside---|";
Data ack(_pkt_info->get_src_ip(), _pkt_info->get_dst_ip(),
_pkt_info->get_src_port(), _pkt_info->get_dst_port());
auto id = _densemap.find(ack);
if (id == _densemap.end()) { // no entry is here yet
// << "|---Received ACK to SYN-ACK from outside---|";
// BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "|---Checking the SYN-COOKIE---|";
u_int32_t _cookie_val =
_pkt_info->get_ack_num(); // get acknowledgementnumber
// from packet
bool _legit =
check_syn_cookie(_cookie_val - 1,
ack); // check for the correkt cookie
if (_legit == true) { // the connection is to be established
// Take the packet and save it, till the connection
// to the internal host is established Use the
// densemap for this purpose by setting the pointer
// in info to taken_packet
rte_mbuf* reply_mbuf = _packet_to_inside->get_empty_mbuf();
if (reply_mbuf == nullptr) {
return false;
sizeof(struct rte_ether_hdr) +
sizeof(struct rte_ipv4_hdr) +
sizeof(struct rte_tcp_hdr));
PacketInfoIpv4Tcp* reply =
new PacketInfoIpv4Tcp(reply_mbuf);
if (reply == nullptr) {
// BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(fatal) << "created a nullptr";
ack, Info(0, false, false, false, false, _pkt_info)));
// Still need to send that syn to inside
// TO-DO check if _pkt_info is legit there
_pkt_info->get_src_mac(), _pkt_info->get_dst_mac(),
_pkt_info->get_src_ip(), _pkt_info->get_dst_ip(),
_pkt_info->get_src_port(), _pkt_info->get_dst_port(),
_pkt_info->get_seq_num() - 1, 123, _flag_enum::SYN,
// << "|---Cookie " << _pkt_info->get_ack_num() - 1
// << " correct, sending SYN to inside---|";
//<< "|---SYN to inside goes from " << reply->get_src_ip()
// << " to: " << reply->get_dst_ip() << " ---|";
// now packet is getting send out in the next burst
// cycle
delete reply;
return true;
} else if (_legit == false) { // the connection is closed
// with an rst, drop packet
// << "|---Cookie incorrect, dropped packet---|";
// Send RST if (diff>1 XOR hash!=cookie_value)
rte_mbuf* rst_mbuf = _packet_to_inside->get_empty_mbuf();
if (rst_mbuf == nullptr) {
return false;
PacketInfo* rst =
PacketInfoCreator::create_pkt_info(rst_mbuf, IPv4TCP);
PacketInfoIpv4Tcp* rst4 =
_pkt_info->get_dst_mac(), _pkt_info->get_src_mac(),
ack._extip, ack._intip, ack._extport, ack._intport,
_pkt_info->get_ack_num(), 0, _flag_enum::RST,
->get_window_size()); // fill_payloadless_tcp_packet
// already exists, we
// just need it from
// Tobias
// No entry in _densemap -> It is an ACK as a reply to
// SYN-ACK entry can be found and its not a reply to an fin
// ack
else if (unlikely(id->second._finseen_to_inside == true &&
id->second._finseen_to_outside == true &&
id->second._ack_to_inside_expected == true)) {
// << "|---ACK to FIN-ACK, Connection Closed---|";
// simply manage _offset and thats it
_pkt_info->set_ack_num(_pkt_info->get_ack_num() -
// delete the entry
// BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "|---Deleted entry in
// densemap---|";
// If the connection from inside is not fully established
// yet, i need to add it to the queue first
else if (unlikely(id->second._pkt_inf_list.empty() == false)) {
// now add it to the queue
// BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "|---Put early ack into
// queue---|";
return true;
} else {
// BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "|---Regular ACK, simply
// send---|";
// simply manage _offset and thats it
_pkt_info->set_ack_num(_pkt_info->get_ack_num() -
// BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Size of densemap after to inside: " <<
// _densemap.size();
return false;
* @brief This method checks if the packet to outside is suitable for
* treatment and treats it accordingly
* The function treat_packets_to_outside() works on two packetcontainers and
* iterates over all elements inside them. If the packet is not yet deleted
* and if it is a TCPIPv4 packet, then treatment begins. Depending on the
* flag combinations in the TCPHeader further steps are being taken in order
* to fulfill the requirements, which are defined in the activity diagram
* "treat_packets()" as seen in the review document. treat_packets()
* involves adjustments of sequence and acknowledgement numbers, calculating
* and checking syn-cookies. Depending on internal rules packets can be
* forwarded, adjusted, stored and dropped on their way through the system.
inline bool treat_packets_to_outside(PacketInfoIpv4Tcp* _pkt_info) {
// BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Size of densemap before to outside: " <<
// _densemap.size();
****Treatment of packets with direction towards the external network****
u_int8_t _flags =
_pkt_info->get_flags(); // get the flags of packet as
// they will be needed a few times
// BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "THE TYPE IS" << std::to_string(_flags);
if ((_flags & _flag_enum::SYNFIN) == _flag_enum::SYNFIN) {
} else if ((_flags & _flag_enum::SYNACK) ==
_flag_enum::SYNACK) { // check wether the syn&ack flag is
// set
// BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "|---Got
// a SYN-ACK comming from inside---|";
// Create entry in the Densemap
// Reply with the ack stored in _densemap for this specific
// connection...
// Get Data from connection in order to create entry in
// _densemap and check _densemap
Data dfirst(_pkt_info->get_dst_ip(), _pkt_info->get_src_ip(),
_pkt_info->get_dst_port(), _pkt_info->get_src_port());
// find according value in _densemap
auto id = _densemap.find(dfirst);
// unsure about that, was to catch the case, that no ack has
// ever been held
if (id == _densemap.end()) {
// drop packet and delete connection info
} else if (id->second._pkt_inf_list.empty() == false) {
// cast into an ipv4 packet
bool first_packet = true;
for (auto elem : id->second._pkt_inf_list) {
if (first_packet) {
// calculate _offset by substracting
// internal_ack_num from external_ack_num
int offset =
elem->get_ack_num() - _pkt_info->get_seq_num() - 1;
// BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "|---The offset is:" <<
// offset << ", the external acknum is: " <<
// elem->get_ack_num() << " the internal seqnum is: " <<
// _pkt_info->get_seq_num() << " --- |";
id->second._offset = offset;
// adjust the acknum of the ack as a response to
// syn ack
// outside->set_ack_num(outside->get_ack_num() -
// offset);
elem->set_ack_num(_pkt_info->get_seq_num() + 1);
// refresh checksum
// send received ack with adjusted acknum, this
// may already contain data
// erase entry in _pkt_inf
first_packet = false;
} else {
elem->set_ack_num(elem->get_ack_num() -
delete elem;
} else {
// BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(fatal) << "No element in the list";
// check wether the syn flag is set
else if ((_flags & _flag_enum::SYN) == _flag_enum::SYN) {
// Simply forward the packet
// BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "|---Forwarding the " "SYN from
// internal to external ---|";
// RST received from inside_pkt_
else if ((_flags & _flag_enum::RST) == _flag_enum::RST) {
// BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "|---Received an RST from inside---|";
Data erase(_pkt_info->get_dst_ip(), _pkt_info->get_src_ip(),
_pkt_info->get_dst_port(), _pkt_info->get_src_port());
auto id = _densemap.find(erase);
if (id == _densemap.end()) {
// drop packet
} else {
_pkt_info->set_seq_num(_pkt_info->get_seq_num() +
// FIN received from inside_pkt
else if (((_flags & _flag_enum::FIN) == _flag_enum::FIN)) {
// BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "|---Recevied a FIN from inside---|";
// create Data fin for the packet
// find the entry in our map
auto iter = _densemap.find(
Data(_pkt_info->get_dst_ip(), _pkt_info->get_src_ip(),
_pkt_info->get_dst_port(), _pkt_info->get_src_port()));
if (iter == _densemap.end()) {
// drop packet
else if ((iter->second._finseen_to_inside == true) /* &&
((_flags & _flags::FINACK) == _flags::FINACK)*/) {
// Check if fin has already been seen and we are not
// looking for the reply
// BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "|---FIN-ACK for FIN---|";
// change the packets seq number
iter->second._finseen_to_outside = true;
iter->second._ack_to_inside_expected = true;
_pkt_info->set_seq_num(_pkt_info->get_seq_num() +
// delete the entry
/* _densemap.erase(Data(
_pkt_info->get_dst_ip(), _pkt_info->get_src_ip(),
// send packet to inside // aka. do nothing
// Case: its the first FIN with piggybagged ack
else if (iter->second._finseen_to_outside == false) {
// BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info)<< "|---Recevied the first FIN from
// inside---|"; change status _finseen to true
iter->second._finseen_to_outside = true;
// get _offset
// change the packets seq number
_pkt_info->set_seq_num(_pkt_info->get_seq_num() +
// BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "|---Changed Finseen to true for
// connection: " "extip: "
/* << _pkt_info->get_dst_ip()
<< " extport: " << _pkt_info->get_dst_port()
<< " intip: " << _pkt_info->get_src_ip()
<< " intport: " << _pkt_info->get_src_port() << "---|"; */
} else {
// BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "|--- Saw duplicate FIN from
// outside----|";
_pkt_info->set_seq_num(_pkt_info->get_seq_num() +
else if (((_flags & _flag_enum::ACK) == _flag_enum::ACK) &&
((_flags & _flag_enum::FINACK) != _flag_enum::FINACK)) {
// BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "|---Received an ACK from inside---|";
Data ack(_pkt_info->get_dst_ip(), _pkt_info->get_src_ip(),
_pkt_info->get_dst_port(), _pkt_info->get_src_port());
auto id = _densemap.find(ack);
// no entry in _densemap, create one and adjust value
// accordingly
if (id == _densemap.end()) {
// BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "|---Created new entry in the
// densemap---|";
Info info(0, false, false, false, false, nullptr);
_densemap.insert(std::make_pair(ack, info));
// send out packet, aka do nothing
} else if (unlikely(id->second._finseen_to_inside == true &&
id->second._finseen_to_outside == true &&
id->second._ack_to_outside_expected == true)) {
// BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "|---ACK to FIN-ACK-Packet---|";
_pkt_info->set_seq_num(_pkt_info->get_seq_num() +
// BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "|---Deleted entry in
// densemap--|";
} else {
// BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "|---Just a regular
// ACK-Packet---|";
// it is just a regular packet, simply adjust with
// _offset and you are done.
_pkt_info->set_seq_num(_pkt_info->get_seq_num() +
// BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Size of densemap after to outside: " <<
// _densemap.size();
return false;
* @brief used in the main_lcore timer, in order to increment the
* _s_timestamp every 64 seconds This function does nothing besides
* incrementing the _s_timestamp by one every time it is called from our
* thread
* @param timestamp is global, but changed by this function
inline static void s_increment_timestamp() {
// increment _s_timestamp by one
* @brief Calculates the Cookiehash from the global _s_timestamp, a global
* cookie_secret and unique connection identifiers
* @param _s_timestamp is global
* @param _extip
* @param _intip
* @param _extport
* @param _intport
* @return u_int32_t
inline u_int32_t calc_cookie_hash(u_int8_t _s_timestamp, u_int32_t _extip,
u_int32_t _intip, u_int16_t _extport,
u_int16_t _intport) {
// use XXH3_64bits as shrinking it is still faster than using XXH32
return XXH3_64bits_withSeed(
&_s_timestamp, sizeof(_s_timestamp),
&_extip, sizeof(_extip),
&_intip, sizeof(_intip),
&_extport, sizeof(_extport),
XXH3_64bits_withSeed(&_intport, sizeof(_intport),
* @brief Check if the syn_cookie was received in the correct timespan and
* if the reveiced cookie is correct/like the expected cookie
* @param cookie_value This is the sequencenumber sent away in the syn-ack
* @param d d is the data we obtained from our packet, needed to calculate
* the expected hash
inline bool check_syn_cookie(u_int32_t cookie_value, const Data& d) {
// Extract the last 8 bits of the cookie (= timestamp)
u_int8_t cookie_timestamp = cookie_value & 0x000000FF;
u_int8_t diff = _s_timestamp - cookie_timestamp;
if (diff <= 1) {
// Calculate hash
u_int32_t hash;
// Case: same time interval
if (diff == 0) {
// calculate expected cookie_hash
hash = calc_cookie_hash(_s_timestamp, d._extip, d._intip,
d._extport, d._intport);
hash = hash & 0xFFFFFF00;
// stuff cookie_hash with 8 bit _s_timestamp
hash |= (u_int8_t)_s_timestamp;
if (diff == 1) {
// calculate expected cookie_hash for older timeinterval
hash = calc_cookie_hash((u_int8_t)(_s_timestamp - 1), d._extip,
d._intip, d._extport, d._intport);
hash = hash & 0xFFFFFF00;
// stuff cookie with 8 bit _s_timestamp
hash |= (u_int8_t)(_s_timestamp - 1);
// test wether the cookie is as expected; if so, return true
if (hash == cookie_value) {
return true;
// return false, so that treat_packets is able to continue
return false;
inline static u_int8_t _s_timestamp =
0; ///< timestamp used to check the legitimacy of SYN-cookies
u_int64_t _cookie_secret; ///< cookie_secret used to enhance the efficency
///< of SYN-cookies
u_int8_t _skip_syn;
u_int8_t _syn_thresh;
_packet_to_inside; ///< MbufContainer containing packets with
///< destination being the internal network
_packet_to_outside; ///< MbufContainer containing packets with
///< destination being the extern network
google::dense_hash_map<Data, Info, TreatmentHash>
_densemap; ///< Map to store information about connections including
///< _offset and if a fin has been seen
friend class Treatment_friend; ///< used for unit tests