73 lines
2.0 KiB
73 lines
2.0 KiB
def parse_game_data(line):
Parses a line of game data to extract the game ID and the counts of each color.
line (str): A line of game data.
int, dict: Game ID and a dictionary with color counts.
parts = line.split(': ')
game_id = int(parts[0].split(' ')[1])
color_counts = {'red': 0, 'green': 0, 'blue': 0}
subsets = parts[1].split('; ')
for subset in subsets:
colors = subset.split(', ')
for color in colors:
count, color_name = color.split(' ')
color_name = color_name.strip() # Remove any trailing whitespace or newline characters
color_counts[color_name] = max(color_counts[color_name], int(count))
return game_id, color_counts
def calculate_power_of_set(game_data):
Calculates the power of the cube set.
game_data (dict): The minimum number of cubes of each color.
int: The power of the cube set.
return game_data['red'] * game_data['green'] * game_data['blue']
def process_games(file_path):
Processes the games from a file and finds the sum of the power of the minimum sets.
file_path (str): Path to the file containing game data.
int: Sum of the power of the minimum cube sets.
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
lines = file.readlines()
sum_of_powers = 0
for line in lines:
_, game_data = parse_game_data(line)
power = calculate_power_of_set(game_data)
sum_of_powers += power
return sum_of_powers
def test():
print("start testing")
sum_of_powers = process_games('../test.txt')
# Assertion for testing
assert sum_of_powers == 2286, f"Expected sum of powers to be 2286, but got {sum_of_powers}"
print(f"Test Passed: Sum of powers for the minimum cube sets is {sum_of_powers}\n")
# Run the test
# Process the actual input file
sum_of_powers = process_games('../input.txt')
print(f"From input.txt: Sum of powers for the minimum cube sets is {sum_of_powers}")