def parse_instructions(file_path): """Parse instructions from the given file.""" try: with open(file_path, "r") as file: lines = print(f"Parsed {len(lines)} instructions from {file_path}") return lines except Exception as e: print(f"Error reading file {file_path}: {e}") raise def calculate_area(lines): """Calculate the area inside the loop defined by the instructions.""" DIRECTIONS = [(0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1), (-1, 0)] points = [(0, 0)] boundary = 0 for line in lines: *_, color = line.split() instructions = color[2:-1] dr, dc = DIRECTIONS[int(instructions[-1])] steps = int(instructions[:-1], 16) boundary += steps row, column = points[-1] points.append((row + dr * steps, column + dc * steps)) area = ( abs( sum( x1 * y2 - x2 * y1 for (x1, y1), (x2, y2) in zip(points, points[1:] + points[:1]) ) ) // 2 + boundary // 2 + 1 ) return area def run_test(test_file, expected_result): """Run the algorithm with test input and compare with the expected result.""" try: lines = parse_instructions(test_file) calculated_area = calculate_area(lines) assert ( calculated_area == expected_result ), f"Test failed, expected {expected_result}, got {calculated_area}" print(f"Test passed, area: {calculated_area}") except AssertionError as e: print(e) raise except Exception as e: print(f"Error during test execution: {e}") raise def main(): """Main function to run the puzzle solution.""" test_file = "../test.txt" input_file = "../input.txt" expected_test_area = ( 952408144115 # Replace with the correct expected area for the test ) # Run test try: run_test(test_file, expected_test_area) # Process actual puzzle input lines = parse_instructions(input_file) area = calculate_area(lines) print(f"Puzzle result (area): {area}") except Exception as e: print(f"Execution halted due to error: {e}") if __name__ == "__main__": main()