const fs = require('fs'); /** * Parses the input file to create workflows. * @param {string} filePath Path to the input file. * @returns {Object} Parsed workflows. */ function parseInput(filePath) { const content = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8'); const lines = content.split('\n').filter(line => line.trim()); const workflows = {}; lines.forEach(line => { const [name, rulesStr] = line.split('{'); const rules = rulesStr.slice(0, -1).split(','); const fallback = rules.pop(); workflows[name] = { rules: => { const [condition, target] = rule.split(':'); const [key, comparison, ...value] = condition.split(''); return { key, comparison, value: parseInt(value.join('')), target }; }), fallback }; }); return workflows; } /** * Recursively counts the number of valid ranges. * @param {Object} workflows Workflows object. * @param {Object} ranges Current ranges of ratings. * @param {string} name Current workflow name. * @returns {number} Count of valid ranges. */ function countRanges(workflows, ranges, name = 'in') { if (name === 'R') return 0; if (name === 'A') return Object.values(ranges).reduce((acc, [start, stop]) => acc * (stop - start + 1), 1); const { rules, fallback } = workflows[name]; let total = 0; for (const { key, comparison, value, target } of rules) { const [start, stop] = ranges[key]; let tStart, tStop, fStart, fStop; if (comparison === '<') { tStart = start; tStop = value - 1; fStart = value; fStop = stop; } else { tStart = value + 1; tStop = stop; fStart = start; fStop = value; } if (tStart <= tStop) { const newRanges = { ...ranges, [key]: [tStart, tStop] }; total += countRanges(workflows, newRanges, target); } if (fStart <= fStop) { ranges[key] = [fStart, fStop]; } else { break; } } if (total === 0) total += countRanges(workflows, ranges, fallback); return total; } /** * Test the algorithm with a test file. * @param {string} testFile Path to the test file. * @param {number} expected Expected result. */ function testAlgorithm(testFile, expected) { const workflows = parseInput(testFile); const result = countRanges(workflows, { x: [1, 4000], m: [1, 4000], a: [1, 4000], s: [1, 4000] }); console.assert(result === expected, `Test failed: Expected ${expected}, got ${result}`); console.log("Test passed successfully."); } /** * Main function to execute the algorithm. */ function main() { try { const testFile = "../test.txt"; const expectedTestResult = 167409079868000; console.log("Running test..."); testAlgorithm(testFile, expectedTestResult); console.log("Test passed. Running on actual input..."); const inputFile = "../input.txt"; const workflows = parseInput(inputFile); const result = countRanges(workflows, { x: [1, 4000], m: [1, 4000], a: [1, 4000], s: [1, 4000] }); console.log(`Result for the puzzle input: ${result}`); } catch (error) { console.error(`Unexpected error: ${error}`); process.exit(1); } } main();