# Wifi Honey It's to work out what encryption a client is looking for in a given network by setting up four fake access points, each with a different type of encryption, None, WEP, WPA and WPA2 and the seeing which of the four the client connects to. In the case of WPA/WPA2, by running airodump-ng along side this you also end up capturing the first two packets of the four way handshake and so can attempt to crack the key with either aircrack-ng or coWPAtty. What this script does is to automate the setup process, it creates five monitor mode interfaces, four are used as APs and the fifth is used for airodump-ng. To make things easier, rather than having five windows all this is done in a screen session which allows you to switch between screens to see what is going on. All sessions are labelled so you know which is which. ## Installation The script requires screen and the aircrack-ng suite, make sure they are both installed and in the path ```bash sudo apt install wifi-honey ``` Or download the script: ```bash wget https://digi.ninja/files/wifi_honey_1.0.tar.bz2 tar -xf wifi_honey.tar.bz2 cd wifi_honey chmod a+x wifi_honey.sh # remember to run wifihoney from the .sh directory ``` ## Usage Usage is simple, start the script with the ESSID of the network you want to impersonate. ```bash wifi_honey FreeWifi ``` Specify also the channel and interface: Broadcast the given ESSID (FreeWiFi) on channel 6 (6) using the wireless interface (wlan0) ```bash wifi-honey FreeWiFi 6 wlan0 ``` ## The script As Wifi Honey is a small script you can also just copy paste or look what it does here: ```bash #!/usr/bin/env bash if [[ -z "$1" ]] then echo "Missing ESSID" exit 1 fi if [ "$1" == "-h" -o "$1" == "-?" ] then echo "Usage: $0 " echo echo "Default channel is 1" echo "Default interface is wlan0" echo echo "Robin Wood " echo "See Security Tube Wifi Mega Primer episode 26 for more information" exit 1 fi ESSID=$1 CHANNEL=$2 INTERFACE=$3 if [[ "$CHANNEL" == "" ]] then CHANNEL=1 fi if [[ "$INTERFACE" == "" ]] then INTERFACE="wlan0" fi x=`iwconfig mon4` if [[ "$x" == "" ]] then airmon-ng start $INTERFACE 1 airmon-ng start $INTERFACE 1 airmon-ng start $INTERFACE 1 airmon-ng start $INTERFACE 1 airmon-ng start $INTERFACE 1 fi sed "s//$ESSID/" wifi_honey_template.rc | sed "s//$CHANNEL/" > screen_wifi_honey.rc screen -c screen_wifi_honey.rc ```