Kapitel 7 hinzugefügt
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Softwaretechnik 2.md
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@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ Evolve to continuously obtain feedback and improve | Responding to change over f
Balance competing priorities to maximize stakeholder value | Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Focus on articulating the architecture | Working software over comprehensive documentation
Governance Model – Balancing Agility and Discipline
Governance Model - Balancing Agility and Discipline
- OpenUP incorporates a three-tiered governance model to plan, execute, and monitor progress.
- These tiers correspond to personal, team and stakeholder concerns and each operates at a different time scale and level of detail.
@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ Micro-Increments
- Work items reference requirements and process tasks as needed to provide
required inputs to complete the micro-increment.
### OpenUP Lifecycle – Inception Phase
### OpenUP Lifecycle - Inception Phase
- The primary purpose of the Inception Phase is to understand the scope of the problem and feasibility of a solution.
- At the Lifecycle Objectives Milestone, progress towards meeting these objectives are assessed and a decision to proceed with the same scope, change the scope, or terminate the project is made.
- More specifically, the objectives and associated process activities are:
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ Micro-Increments
| Determine at least one possible solution | Agree on Technical Approach |
| Understand the cost, schedule, and risks associated with the project | Initiate Project, Plan and Manage Iteration |
### OpenUP Lifecycle – Elaboration Phase
### OpenUP Lifecycle - Elaboration Phase
- The primary purpose of the Elaboration Phase is to validate the solution architecture (feasibility and trade-offs).
- At the Lifecycle Architecture Milestone, progress towards meeting these objectives are assessed and a decision to proceed with the same scope, change the scope, or terminate the project is made.
- More specifically, the objectives and associated process activities are:
@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ Get a more detailed understanding of the requirements | Identify and Refine Requ
Design, implement, validate, and baseline an architecture | Develop the Architecture, Develop Solution Increment, Test Solution
Mitigate essential risks, and produce accurate schedule and cost estimates | Plan and Manage Iteration, Ongoing Tasks
### OpenUP Lifecycle – Construction Phase
### OpenUP Lifecycle - Construction Phase
- The primary purpose of the Construction Phase is to develop and verify the solution incrementally.
- At the Initial Operational Capability Milestone, progress towards meeting these objectives is assessed and a decision to deploy the solution to the operation environment is made.
- More specifically, the objectives and associated process activities are:
@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ Mitigate essential risks, and produce accurate schedule and cost estimates | Pla
Iteratively develop a complete product that is ready to transition to the user community | Identify and Refine Requirements; Develop Solution Increment; Test Solution |
Minimize development costs and achieve some degree of parallelism | Plan and Manage Iteration Ongoing Tasks
### OpenUP Lifecycle – Transition Phase
### OpenUP Lifecycle - Transition Phase
- The primary purpose of the Transition Phase is to deploy the solution to the operational environment and validate it.
- At the Product Release Milestone, progress towards meeting these objectives are assessed and a decision to make the product generally available is made.
- More specifically, the objectives and associated process activities are:
@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ Definition ([Bere 2009] → [DoD 1991]): "Requirements engineering involves all

## Definition: Requirement
What is a requirement? "requirement", IEEE 610.12 – 1990, p62
What is a requirement? "requirement", IEEE 610.12 - 1990, p62
1. A condition or capability needed by a user to solve a problem or achieve an objective.
2. A condition or capability that must be met or possessed by a system or system component to satisfy a contract, standard, specification, or other formally imposed documents.
3. A documented representation of a condition or capability as in (1) or (2).
@ -679,7 +679,7 @@ Example: "What is the best car brand for me?"
### Goal Question Metric
1. Robert E. Park, Wolfhart B Goethert, William A. Florac,"Goal-Driven Software Measurement – A Guidebook", SEI Bericht, CMZ/SEI-96-HB-002, 1996.
1. Robert E. Park, Wolfhart B Goethert, William A. Florac,"Goal-Driven Software Measurement - A Guidebook", SEI Bericht, CMZ/SEI-96-HB-002, 1996.
2. Danilo Assmann, Ralf Kalmar, Dr Teade Punter, "Handbuch, Messen und Bewerten von WebApplikationen mit der Goal/Question/Metric Methode", IESE-Report Nr. 087.02/D ver. 1.2, 2002
@ -1958,3 +1958,481 @@ expr: expr '+' expr { $$ = $1 + $3; }
# Software Maintenance
## Motivation
- Software won‘t wear out!
- It gets old when it is changed by developers -> Architectural Decay
Product Life Cycle: months ... many years
- Why?
- Maintenance: Fix broken software (-> bugs)
- Evolution
- Extend existing software (-> new features/functions)
- Develop (bad ->)good software
- Long Living Software (changes in HW/SW)
- Re-develop software
- When? Product Strategy, Business Rules
- Goals? Changeability, Maintainability, Comprehension
## Reengineering

- Reverse Engineering
- Reconstruct the plan / the requirements of the ready made software
- Reengineering
- Change a Software System to enhance its Quality (at a higher abstraction level than -> Refactoring)
- Forward Engineering
- Opposite of -> Reverse Engineering. Standard development cycle, e. g., OpenUP, SCRUM, V-Model,...
System Analysis
- How does the current system look like?
- What do we want to change
- Which rules do we want to follow and which rules are broken?
- Running Software System
- Observation of the externally visible behavior + reaction
- Use Cases
- Requirements
- Code
- Disassembling / decompilation (not allowed by law!)
- Only for scientific work! OpenRCE (Rerverse Code Engineering, http://www.openrce.org)
- Counterpart: Obfuscation
- Transformation (-5...+5)
- Re-Order Code
- Change Variable Names
- Add branches (if (true) ...), each instruction as subroutine ...
- NOPs
- Encryption (of code)
- Obfuscator vermeiden
- Design & Requirements
- Design by observation (marginal)
- Requriements by observation (as above)
- Manual tasks
- Interview former / current employees
- Interview users of the system
- Deep Search of Documents
- -> Assess ~~the Feasibility of the Project~~ Reverse-Engineering might become Re-Development
## Code Smells
### Code - Hard to read
- Rules/Hints for Good Code - Naming
- Names want to tell their intention
- `int x; // average speed ->int averageSpeed;`
- ```cpp
void strcpy(char *a, char *b) ->
strcpy(char *destination, char *source)
strcpy(char *to, char *from)
- Be careful with e.g., btevhdl -> buttonEventHandler
- Don‘t ...: String noOfWayPoints;
- Where (in different types of lists) to add() / insert(), or how to sort()?
- Names that tell the intention
- List (alphabetically) of (global) variables in the code documentation
- Character similarities (-> the font question ...)
- "Ohhh Zero" O0
- "Ihh One" I1, I1
- "smallEL.. largeiI" lI
- Rules/Hints for Good Code - Functions
- Functions have a single, simple and clear behavior
- Don‘t duplicate code (code redundancy)
- Agree, enforce and live a project wide coding style
- Hard to follow call graphs if using function pointers
- Specifically document such occurences
- Don‘t use switch to access different class types
- -> use Polymorphism instead
- switch(typeof(object)) or switch(object.type)
- Reduce the number of arguments of a function/method
- ->use objects for more than three arguments
- Rules/Hints for Good Code - Comments
- Don‘t forget the Copyright Notice
- Comments do not only repeat the function name ...
- Keep comments in sync with the code (-> Review)
- Use exception handling
- Rules/Hints for Good Code - Global ...
- Exchange hand written parsers with -> DSL technology
- Start with non-threaded code, improve towards threads/parallelism
- Carefully select global variables (-> Singletons)
## Metrics
### The Law of Demeter
- Proposed by Karl J. Lieberherrs research group in 1987
- Northeastern University, College of Computer and Information Science, Boston, Massachusetts (http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/lieber/)
- Style rule for the development of a good system design
- Law of Demeter (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_Demeter)
- Method M of Object O
1. may only invoke methods of O
2. use parameters of M
3. use/call methods of any object created in M
4. may invoke methods of O‘s direct component objects
5. may access a global variable accessible by O, in the scope of M
@ Design Level
- Overall Architecture
- Use -> static / dynamic analyses to asses
- Cohesion : A class strongly focussing on a single goal has a high cohesion.
- Coupling : A component which highly depends (by method calls) on another component is strongly coupled.
- ... of the architectural components
- Goal: low coupling and STRONG COHESION
Calculate Cohesion
- *L*ack of *CO*hesion in *M*ethods for a class C
$$LCOM=1-\frac{1}{M*F} \sum_{i=1}^F count(f_i \leftarrow m)$$
- M = Number of Methods in C
- F = number of fields in C (or attributes)
- fi = field i in the set (i=1...F) of the fields in a given class C
- count(fk <- m) = how many methods m use field fk
$$LCOM_{HS} = \frac{1}{M-1}(M-\frac{1}{F} \sum_{i=1}^F count(f_i\leftarrow m))$$
- HS = Henderson-Sellers
- $LCOM_{HS}=1$ 
- $M\rightarrow \infty, LCOM_{HS}\rightarrow 1$ 
- $F\rightarrow \infty, LCOM_{HS}\rightarrow 1$ 
- $M, F\rightarrow \infty, LCOM_{HS}\rightarrow 1$ 
- As used in the Eclipse Metrics Plugin
$$LCOM *= \frac{\frac{\sum_{A=1}^n m(A)}{n} -m}{(1-m)}$$
- $m(A)$ is the number of methods accessing an attribute A
- $n$ is the number of attributes
- $m$ is the number of methods m
- ($LCOM >> 1$ is alarming), small values ($<1$) are better.
- Hint: The class could be split into a number of (sub)classes.
- Changes in A cause the need to check B, C, D, E, F
- The interface of A might be hard to reuse in future/other projects
- Coupling : A component which highly depends (by method calls) on another component is strongly coupled.
- Afferent Coupling = #Classes outside a package that depend on classes inside the package.
- Efferent Coupling = #Classes inside a package that depend on classes outside the package.
Design Level
- "Tell, don‘t ask!"
- Bad: car.getSteeringWheel().getAngle()
- Better: car.getDirectionOfTravel()
- Start with reference architectures and refine ...
- Layers, pipes and filters, plug-in, client / server, MVC
- Use design patterns, (or at least) their concepts
- A class / component interface should hide most of the complexity underneath (-> Facade Pattern)
- 30-Rule, [Rooc 2004], p35
- Methods <= 30LLOC
- #Methods per Class < 30
- #Classes per Package < 30
- #Packages per Subsystem < 30
- System < 30 subsystems
- #Layers 3 ... 10
- Usage / Inheritance Relations
- Inheritance hierarchy < 10
- In and between Packages
- Keep a small hierarchy (<5)
- In and between Subsystems
- Keep APIs small
- In and between Layers
- Use layers at all!
- Calls should follow the layer structure
- Don‘t use/allow cycles
### What is the simplest design?
By Kent Beck, [Beck 2000], page 109
1. The system (code and tests together) must communicate everything you want to communicate.
2. The system must contain no duplicate code.
3. The system should have the fewest possible classes.
4. The system should have the fewest possible methods.
Requirements Level
- Sometimes hard to find but easy to change at very low costs!
- Inconsistencies
- Redundancy
- Contradictions
- Misspellings
- Wording (domain specific)
- Constraints (missing ~)
- Missing requirements vs. "goldplating"
- ...
## Refactoring
### Refactoring Overview
- Software changes (beautifying) without changing the behavior!
- "Refactoring (noun): a change made to the internal structure of software to make it easier to understand and cheaper to modify without changing its observable behavior." [Fowl 1999, Martin Fowler, "Refactoring - Improving the Design of Existing Code", Addison Wesley, 1999, page 53.]
- (Highly) dependant on the tool support (-> IDE)
- Reduced errors while refactoring

### Refactoring Howto
1. Set up the test cases for your code
2. Review the test cases
3. Identify the _smells_
4. Refactor the code - Stepwise!!
5. Execute all test cases
6. Fix errors
- Go back to 6. unless the test result is green
7. Go to 4. and continue refactoring
### Composing Methods
#### Extract Method
void printMainScreen() {
System. out.println("Main Screen");
// print details
System. out.println("Speed");
System. out.println("curr Temp");
void printMainScreen () {
System. out.println("Main Screen");
private void printMainScreenDetails() {
System. out.println("Speed");
System. out.println("curr Temp");
#### Inline Method
int getRating(){
boolean hasMoreThanFiveDeliveries(){
int getRating(){
#### Remove Assignments to Parameters
int discount(int inputVal, in quantity, in yearToDate){
if(inputVal>50) inputVal -= 2;
int discount(int inputVal, in quantity, in yearToDate){
int result = inputVal;
if(inputVal>50) result -= 2;
#### Moving Features between Objects
public class SmallCycle{
DataModel myDM = new DataModel();
int localValue;
public void calcHeight() { myDM.height = 45; localValue = 100; }
public void calcSurface() { myDM.surface = 452; calcHeight(); }
public class SmallCycle {
public void calcSurface(){
myDM.surface = 452;
myDM.calcHeight( this);
public class DataModel {
public int height;
public int surface;
public void calcHeight(SmallCycle smallCycle){
height = 45;
smallCycle.localValue = 100;
#### Extract Class
public class BigCycle {
String owner;
String ownerBirthday;
public BigCycle(){
owner = "Harry";
public class BigCycle {
Owner localOwner = new Owner();
public BigCycle(){
public class Owner{
private String name;
private String birthday;
public void setName(String name){
this.name = name;
### Organizing Data
Replace Magic Number with Symbolic Constant
double getLengthPerTireTick(int tiresize){
return ((tiresize*25.4)/2)*2*3.141
... return ((tiresize*MMPERINCH)/2)*2*Math.PI
static final double MMPERINCH = 25.4
#### Simplifying Conditional Expressions
- Decompose Conditional
- Consolidate Conditional Expression
double disabilityAmount(){
if(_seniority <2) return 0;
if(_monthsDisabled >12) return 0;
if(_isPartTime) return 0;
//compute disability amount
double disabilityAmount(){
if(isNotEligableForDisability()) return 0;
//compute the disability amount
- Consolidate Duplicate Conditional Fragments
total = price * 0.95;
else {
total = price * 0.98;
total = price * 0.95;
total = price * 0.98;
- Replace Nested Conditional with Guard Clauses
double getPayAmount(){
double result;
if(_isDead) result = deadAmount();
else {
if(_isSeperated) result = seperatedAmount();
else {
if(_isRetired) result = retiredAmount();
else result = normalPayAmount();
return result;
double getPayAmount(){
if(_isDead) return deadAmount();
if(_isSeperated) return separatedAmount();
if(_isRetired) return retiredAmount();
return normalPayAmount();
- Replace Conditional with Polymorphism
double getSpeed(){
return getBaseSpeed();
return getBaseSpeed() - getLoadFactor() * _numberOfCoconuts;
return (_isNailed) ? 0 : getBaseSpeed(_voltage);
### Making Method Calls Simpler
- Rename Method
- Separate Query from Modifier
### Dealing with Generalization
- Pull Up Field
- Push Down / Pull Up
### Other Refactorings
- Change Method Signature
- Extract Local Variable
- Extract Local Variable to Field
- Convert Anonymous Class to Nested
- Move Type to new File
- Extract Superclass
- Extract Interface
## Long Living Software
Mars Rover Software Coding Guidelines

[Moodle](A. Brown and G. Wilson, The Architecture of Open Source Applications, Volume II , lulu.com, 2012.)

- Core: Web-Server (e. g., Apache) hosting the PHP-code
- Server: /var/www/moodle/category.php
- Client: https://moodle2.tu-ilmenau.de/course/category.php?id=92
- Connects to a database (e. g., MySQL)
- _moodledata_ folder (outside the web root)
- Extensible: moodle Plug-In API (according to plugin types)
- = a folder <plugin-type>/<plugin-name>
- Documentation @ https://moodle.org/
### Compiler Compiler
(e. g., flex/bison)
- Lexer, Yet Another Compiler Compiler
- First compiler-compiler 1960 by Tony Brooker
- YACC initially developed 1970 by Stephen C. Johnson (AT&T Corporation) for Unix
- **L**ook-**A**head **L**eft to right **R**ightmost derivation - Parser


### Long Living Systems
How to build long living system in the first place?
- Very broad/extensive requirements engineering phase
- Capture (the needed) Variabilities, (e. g.: Future Workshop)
- Product Lines
- Clear and Understood SW(/HW)-Architecture
- Remove the _smells (periodically)_ , -> Reviews, Refactoring
- Standard Architectures, Design Patterns, COTS
- Prepare all documents and the development environment for "newcomers" and "strangers"
- Good Estimation of ...
- ... the efforts over time
- ... the efforts for changes
- ... the limits of the architecture
- ... the expected SW END OF LIFE + reengineering costs
- ... never touch a running system
Key Attributes of Long Living Systems
1. Keep your system focussed on what it is(was) supposed to do.
2. Take your time to design your APIs with pride and keep them stable. (-> if at all, only extensions are feasible!)
3. Design the core architecture with well defined extension mechanisms to tailor the application to user needs. (-> Plug-Ins, DSL, DLLs)
4. Take maintenance serious , in terms of the needed/planned effort and the trageted/desired quality.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user