Kapitel 4 gesamt
This commit is contained in:
@ -94,40 +94,13 @@
- [Model Engineering](#model-engineering)
- [Model Family](#model-family)
- [Model Specification](#model-specification)
- [Model Specification](#model-specification-1)
- [CorPS](#corps)
- [DYNAMO: A Dynamic-Model-Specification Language](#dynamo-a-dynamic-model-specification-language)
- [Example: Specification of a DRBAC_0 Model](#example-specification-of-a-drbac_0-model)
- [SELinux Policy Language](#selinux-policy-language)
- [Summary](#summary-3)
- [Security Mechanisms](#security-mechanisms)
- [Authorization](#authorization)
- [Access Control Lists](#access-control-lists)
- [Capability Lists](#capability-lists)
- [Interceptors](#interceptors)
- [Summary](#summary-4)
- [Cryptographic Mechanisms](#cryptographic-mechanisms)
- [Encryption](#encryption)
- [Symmetric](#symmetric)
- [Asymmetric](#asymmetric)
- [Cryptographic Hashing](#cryptographic-hashing)
- [Digital Signatures](#digital-signatures)
- [Cryptographic Attacks](#cryptographic-attacks)
- [Identification and Authentication](#identification-and-authentication)
- [Passwords](#passwords)
- [Biometrics](#biometrics)
- [Cryptographic Protocols](#cryptographic-protocols)
- [SmartCards](#smartcards)
- [Authentication Protocols](#authentication-protocols)
- [Summary](#summary-5)
- [Security Architectures](#security-architectures)
- [Design Principles](#design-principles)
- [Operating Systems Architectures](#operating-systems-architectures)
- [Nizza](#nizza)
- [SELinux](#selinux)
- [Distributed Systems Architectures](#distributed-systems-architectures)
- [CORBA](#corba)
- [Web Services](#web-services)
- [Kerberos](#kerberos)
- [Summary](#summary-6)
- [Idea only: SELinux RBAC](#idea-only-selinux-rbac)
- [Summary SELinux Policy Specification Language](#summary-selinux-policy-specification-language)
- [Summary](#summary-3)
- [Next Step: Policy Implementation & Integration](#next-step-policy-implementation--integration)
# Introduction
## Risk Scenarios
@ -2883,12 +2856,11 @@ Role of Specification Languages: Same as in software engineering
- Code verification
- Or even more convenient: Automated code generation
- Abstraction level:
- Step stone between model and security mechanisms
- $\rightarrow$ More concrete than models
- $\rightarrow$ More abstract than programming languages (“what” instead of “how“)
- $\rightarrow$ More abstract than programming languages ("what" instead of "how")
- Expressive power:
- Domain-specific; for representing security models only
- $\rightarrow$ Necessary: adequate language paradigms
@ -2904,40 +2876,207 @@ Domains
- Middleware
- Applications
### DYNAMO: A Dynamic-Model-Specification Language
formerly known as "CorPS: Core-based Policy Specification Language"
Language Domain: RBACmodels
- RBAC 0 - 3
- DRBAC 0 - 3
- DABAC (with some restrictions)
Language Paradigms: Abstractions of (D)RBAC models
- Users, roles, permissions, sessions
- State transition scheme (STS)
Language Features: Re-usability and inheritance
- Base Classes: Model family (e.g. $DRBAC_0 , DRBAC_1 , ...$)
- Model components
- Conditions
- Primitives
- Policy Classes : Inherit definitions from Base Classes
- State space
- State transition scheme
- Extensions
- DYNAMO compiler("corps2cpp"): Translates specification into
- XML $\rightarrow$ analysis by WORSE algorithms
- C++ classes $\rightarrow$ integration into TCB (OS/Middleware/Application)
##### Example: Specification of a DRBAC_0 Model
$DRBAC_0 = RBAC_0 + Automaton \rightarrow$
$RBAC_0 = ⟨ U , R , P , S , UA , PA , user , roles ⟩$
$DRBAC_0 = ⟨ Q , \sum, \delta, q_0 , R , P , PA ⟩$
$Q = 2^U \times 2^S \times 2^{UA}\times ...$
Policy Specification in EBNF
policy =
"begin" "policy" string ":" string ":"
"state-space" ":" "{" state_space "}" ";" // Q
"input-vector" ":" "{" input_vector "}" ";" // SUM
"begin" "authorisation-scheme" ":" // delta
"end" "authorisation-scheme" ";" // q_0
"begin" "initial-state" ":"
"end" "initial-state" ";"
"begin" "extension-vector" ":" // E
"end" "extension-vector" ";"
"end" "policy" ";"
OpenMRS: A DRBAC_0 Policy Specification Example
begin policy openRMS: DRBAC_0 :
state-space : {U, O, S, UA, PA, user, roles};
input-vector : {OP, U, O, S , R};
begin authorisation-scheme :
read_medical_record(U u, O o, OP op):
condition : f_rbac(u, o, ’read_medical_record’);
write_medical_record(U u, O o, OP op):
condition : f_rbac(u, o, ’write_medical_record’);
activate_role_in_session(S s, R r):
condition : can_activate_role(s, r);
begin body :
activate_role(s, r);
end body ;
end authorisation-scheme ;
begin initial-state :
U = {’Cox’, ’Reid’};
O = {‘epr1’, ‘epr2’, ...}; S = {‘s1’, ‘s2’};
UA = {[’Cox’, ’doctor’], [’Reid’, ’doctor’]};
user = {(’s1’ : ‘Cox’), (‘s2’ : ’Reid’)}; ...
end initial-state;
begin extension-vector :
OP = {’read_medical_record’, ’write_medical_record’, ’activate_role_in_session’};
R = {’doctor’, ’nurse’, ’researcher’};
end extension-vector ;
end policy ;
What Can We Do Now?
DYNAMO specification $\rightarrow$ corps2cpp $\rightarrow$ C++-Classes $\rightarrow$ Security Server
DYNAMO Summary
- Specification language for (D)RBAC security models
- Base classes: $DRBAC_0 ... DRBAC_3$
- Conditions
- $f_rbac$
- $can_activate_role$
- $can_assign_user_to_role$
- Primitives
- $create_user , destroy_user$
- $create_object , destroy_object$
- $create_role , destroy_role$
- $create_session , destroy_session$
- $activate_role$
- ...
- Tools
- Compiler: XML, C++ generation
## Model Specification
### CorPS
### SELinux Policy Language
## Summary
Language Domain
- I/R/A-BAC models
- IF models
- NI models
Implementation Domain
- Operating systems accesscontrol
Language paradigms
- OS Abstractions: Users, processes, files, directories, sockets, pipes, ...
- I/R/ABAC, TAM, MLS, NI model paradigms: Users, rights, roles, types, attributes, security domains, ...
- Specification: Policy creating and validation
- Policy compiler: Translates policy specifications
- Security server: Policy runtime environment (RTE) in OS kernel’s security architecture
- LSM hooks: Support policy enforcement in OS kernel’s security architecture
- Policy compiler $\rightarrow$ translates specifications into loadable binaries (ACM)
- Security architecture $\rightarrow$ implementation of Flask architecture
Fundamental Flask Security Architecture as found in SELinux:
Basic Language Concepts
- Definition of types (a.k.a. "domains")
- Labeling of subjects (e.g. processes) with "domains" $\rightarrow passwd_t$: all processes managing passwords
- Labeling of objects (e.g. files, sockets) with "types" $\rightarrow shadow_t$: all files containing password info
- AC: defined by permissions between pairs of types ("type enforcement") $\rightarrow allow\ passwd_t\ shadow_t:file \{read\ write\}$
- Dynamic interactions: transitions between domains $\rightarrow allow\ user_t\ passwd_t:process {\transition\}$
Policy Rules
- Grant permissions: allow rules
"allow" <source type> <target type> ":" <target class> <permissions>
- Typical domains: $user_t$, $bin_t$, $passwd_t$, $insmod_t$, $tomCat_t$, ...
- Classes: OS abstractions (process, file, socket, ...)
- Permissions: read, write, execute, getattr, signal, transition, ... (≈ 1000)
The Model Behind: 3 Mappings
- Classification
$cl : S\cup O \rightarrow$ C where C $=\{ process , file , dir , pipe, socket , ...\}$
- Types
$type: S\cup O \rightarrow$ T where T $=\{ user_t , passwd_t , bin_t , ...\}$
- Access Control Function ( Type Enforcement , TE )
$te : T\times T \times C \rightarrow 2^R$
- $\rightarrow ACM : T\times( T \times C ) \rightarrow 2^R$
#### Idea only: SELinux RBAC
Users and Roles
- User ID assigned on login
- RBAC rules confine type associations "Only users in role $doctor_r$ may transit to domain $edit-epr_t$"
- $\rightarrow$ fine-grained domain transitions
- $\rightarrow$ Attributes in SELinux-style RBAC:
- User ID ($\not =$ Linux UID)
- Role ID
What we can do now: Specification $\rightarrow$ Tool $\rightarrow$ Binary $\rightarrow$ Security Server
#### Summary SELinux Policy Specification Language
Application Domain
- OS-level security policies
Model Domain
Model abstractions
- TE: MAC rules based on types
- ABAC:MAC rules based on attributes
- RBAC: MAC rules based on roles
- Additionally: BLP-style MLS
Other Policy Specification Languages
- XACML ( eXtensibleAccess Control Markup Language )
- NGAC ( Next Generation Access Control Language )
- SEAL (Label-based AC policies)
- Ponder (Event-based condition/action rules)
- GrapPS (Graphical Policy Specification Language)
- GemRBAC (Role-based AC models)
- PTaCL (Policy re-use by composition)
# Security Mechanisms
## Authorization
### Access Control Lists
### Capability Lists
### Interceptors
### Summary
## Cryptographic Mechanisms
### Encryption
#### Symmetric
#### Asymmetric
### Cryptographic Hashing
### Digital Signatures
### Cryptographic Attacks
## Identification and Authentication
### Passwords
### Biometrics
### Cryptographic Protocols
#### SmartCards
#### Authentication Protocols
## Summary
Security Models in Practice
- Model abstractions
- Subjects, objects, rights
- ACMs and state transition schemes
- Types, roles, attributes
- Information flow, non-interference domains
- Model languages
- Sets, functions, relations, lattices/IFGs
- Deterministic automata
- Model engineering
- Generic model core
- Core specialization and extension
# Security Architectures
## Design Principles
## Operating Systems Architectures
### Nizza
### SELinux
## Distributed Systems Architectures
### Web Services
### Kerberos
## Summary
### Next Step: Policy Implementation & Integration
Models expect
- Confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of
- Model entities
- Entity communication
- Tamperproofness of policy implementation
- Total access mediation for policy
Reference in New Issue
Block a user